
Okay, so as the title says these are my goals. The goals are what I'm going to strive for with an RP partner. None are in any particular order, and this list is not to be considered comprehensive. If you have any questions to clarify something I did write, or something you didn't see, ask me after you or I accept a friend request. Now, to my…


I'm most comfortable playing medieval fantasy and modern/contemporary horror, but I'm better than average at sci-fi and real world. The only things I'm really uncomfortable in are cannon universes. I can do an alternate cannon, like Supernatural without my character meeting the brothers I can never remember the name of, but I prefer to build and play in my own universe. That being said, if I do end up playing a cannon character expect me to put at least a bit of my own spin on them.

Oh, and WWE is a no. It's something I've never watched and have no interest in.

Furries? No thank you.

Anime? Maybe if it's something like Cowboy Bebop, or Castlevania.

Post length:
Every once in a blue moon I'll do semi-para, but I'm usually para to novella. It all depends on what I'm given to work with, how open the tap for creative juices is, and how inspired I am.

As noted above, I'm best with playing original characters. I've played human, elf, vampire, werewolf, demon, orc… Basically, if I like the RP concept and plot I'll make a homegrown character that will fit what's needed. I believe I'm creative, and confident, enough to try anything if the plot suggestion catches my interest. Have something in mind where you want someone to play a sasquatch? Hit me up, and I'll play a more handsome version of myself.

Drama - yes as long as it doesn't keep snowballing. If every time we almost reach a resolution something else comes up, I'm going to get frustrated real quick.
Comedy - This is a must! Even if it's dark humor. If you make me chuckle or laugh, you'll have my attention.
Violence/gore - I'm good with it, as long as it fits the RP. Are we RPing and 80s horror flick? Every death needs more blood gushing than five bodies can hold. Anything else? Let's try to keep it realistic, but I'm okay with graphic detail.
Romance/sm*t - It can't be the only thing, but I'm a sucker for it within the plot. Also, I don't fade to black. I can play dominant, forceful and/or confident, but I'll never be a submissive.

I prefer to describe my characters, rather than try to find someone to fit my character to. The only exception is if it's a canon character, or you requested it.
If you have playbys I won't judge, and appreciate the effort you put in, as long as you put some in. Whether you've created a rich background using a picture you found, or you're such a fan of a canon character that you know their background back and forth, you'll have my respect.

Ghosting: I'll try not to. I may run into issues where I'm gone for some length of time, but I'll try to let you know when I get the chance.

Anything else:
Leave a comment asking. The worst than can happen is I'm not interested in answering. If it's something that may be important to enough people, I'll answer and add it here.
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7 | Sep 3rd 2022 20:18