Looking for a long term Roleplay partner.

Hello everyone! I am looking for a long term roleplay partner on discord and twitter. I am looking for someone to play Rumple-Gold from Once upon a time and Doctor Nicholas Rush from Stargate Universe. I do not play Belle canon. Like me she has health issues and a dark background story. The only thing canon about her is her love for Rumple-Gold or Dr. Rush.

Please don't come to me asking for smut this is strictly SFW! Here is what I am looking for in a roleplay partner.

I would like to find someone who will accept who me and belle are and not ask me to play her differently I would like my partner to:
1.Know who Mr.gold-Rumple is
2. Speak english
3. Know how to roleplay
4. Please be lit to semi lit
5. Know the show
6. Be accepting of me and Belle for who we are
7. No SMUT
8. Be descriptive-detailed
9. looking for Canon Gold-Rumple maybe Dr. Rush from SGU.
10.Please be third person when writing.
12. Be active to semi active.
13. Romance is fine but nothing past pg 13 until I get to know and trust you.
If anyone is instrested or would like more information message me on here, 
Twitter at Brokenbeauty408 of on discord at Belle Rose Gold#6482
If you contact me on twitter please DM me do not post on my TL until we have talked. Hope to see you soon Dearies!
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0 | Jul 16th 2022 17:55