
After the tests with Cloud, he returns to the 'feud' and basically while they have dinner together, he decides to bring up the matter.

"I want to take back my Lianxi. I could have a plan but we might use your help too." Shige looks at them all. "We can poison the water in a way that will only hurt Zishian. It is not said they will die but they will be weakned for sure." The...beginning of a plan.
Heart this
1 | Jul 13th 2022 16:43
Lordship He is glad to hear that from her, he would smirk but restains himself, remaining serious.
"Two people. We have to choose the very best. In four, we have to lock the house and kill everyone inside." He moves his gaze from Chen to Vikk. "Your father usually surrounds himself with many guards?"
He remains very thoughtful, even at what Xin says. "But they could let us in. If Levi knows exactly when. Either them or you, Xin.
I don't trust him but he got my brother out and sent us supplies. Seems like he is trying to bring me back alive.
Since you are here, you could begin by giving every detail of what the old man is doing in Lianxi. I hope you came prepared."
Ziqun Instill, Shige knows he will need someone to compensate for Chen's assness. XD
«You and lord Qiu would do, you are certainly the strongest and most experienced fighters. As well as Jager. If at least one of the boys who can teleport could do a second round to bring some more…»
She nods. «I am willing to try to get inside. As I said, I'm not scared of what could happen to me.» She can end like Pete only if the other has a degree in mechanical engineering.

Chen. «We should really make a party before we do that. So if we die we won't have regrets.»
Dark_Lord °Yes he will have various guards around. Especially now he will not go neither to pee without a guard.
In the moment they will see us the attack will start, we will need to be ready to anything.
You can enter after we clean the way, it is pointless to enter before the attack.°

°Well I don't know much to be sincere, I started following your brother and from that moment I passed everymoment looking for you. They don't give to me important news.
He could do nothing and have the same a place where to return, if he is trying to help then he is sincere.°
Lordship He'll find something handy for Chen too, like taking inside even Vikk. XD
"I was thinking about them too. Me, Jager and Chan should do it, while Chen brings inside even Vikk.
Chen, we'll party the hell out of us when we are back home.
We have to decide if we can trust Levi or send in Xin."

"Wait a second!" Jager crawls closer to them. The rough bandages make him unable to move properly. RIP whoever had to bring him to pee. "Send her inside alone, among those snakes? You must be crazy!" He frowns.

"She is trustworthy, Levi is not. She is willing to take that risk. Focus on getting better, we need you in the field too to succeed.
You didn't see anything in Lianxi? Damn it..."
Ziqun Chen. «Fine, but I want more ingredients to make tastier cocktails for the party. I will also turn on the music!» He is like a source of energy, so his phone never needs to be charged the normal way.

«Jager… it's the best thing we can do. They won't just randomly harm me, in the worst of cases they will keep me for blood, like they do for the other auriold. I'll make sure to drink plenty of water, should it come to it.»