Jonathan Byers

"See you on the other side."

Name: Jonathan Byers
Age: 19
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Relationship: Complicated, but dating Nancy
Sexuality: Closeted bisexual
Birthday: ???, 1967
Zodiac: Taurus
Enneagram: 4w5
Alignment: Lawful good
Occupation: (Former) Hawkins Post intern


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 152 lbs
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brunette
Build: Slim
Extra: Wears contacts (used to wear glasses, but hated them)




1: Jonathan is closeted bisexual with a slight preference for women.
He realized he was bi when he watched "The Outsiders" when he was 16.
He had the biggest crush on Dally.

2: He has an extremely dry sense of humor. Most of the time when he makes jokes, it's hard to tell if he's actually joking- or just being normal Jonathan.

3: When he was younger, every time Jonathan would pick up a new interest, he would explain it in full detail to Will.

4: Jonathan used to play DnD with Will when they were younger, (Jonathan was about 13) but they stopped when Jonathan picked up photography instead.

5: Jonathan takes time to think about the things he says... Except when he's high. When he's high, he says every thought in his head.

6: Jonathan loves to cook and clean.
When he goes to other people's houses and sees trash anywhere, he picks it up and throws it away.

7: Jonathan is slowly becoming the male version of Joyce.

8: In the 90's Jonathan would be the biggest Radiohead fan EVER.

9: Jonathan's favorite movie is The Evil Dead, which he forced Will to watch along with him.. Bad idea. Will had nightmares for the next 5 days and Jonathan had to bribe Will with cleaning his room for the next month for him to not tell their mom.

10: Jonathan used to want to be a magician before he realized that was stupid.

11: He fully resents popular/preppy people.

12: Occasionally his dad comes over to their house. Jonathan is the only one to talk to him with respect, despite everything he's put him through.

13: Jonathan rarely gets mad. He tends to bottle up his emotions and keep a straight face. But when he does get mad, it all explodes out at once.

14: Jonathan cries though. That man absolutely cries.

15: Jonathan wanted a dog when he was 8, but when Joyce said no, he cried so hard he threw up on a rug.
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1 | Jul 8th 2022 03:00