
Name: Liu'Zon
Species: Lazinshay Ragnian
Age: 22
Height: 6'0
Weight: 244 lbs
Optimal Genres: Action, Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Drama

Physical Description: As per a Wolf Ragnian of Lazinshay morphology, Liu beholds porcelain colored fur and a naturally athletic build. Despite this; as a prodigy of Qui’Zon, his physique is as cut and optimized for complete athletic efficiency as possible. Despite never being affiliated with the clan of his heritage, Liu’Zon dresses much like his father Qui; still is adorned in the more ‘minimal approach’ of clothing typical for the clan; opting more for just only two beaten brown sashes; one tied around his neck and shoulders and the other fashioned into a sort of kilt. On his wrists are two brown leather bracers, each with leather tassels studded at the wrist’s end. As he was half-raised in Raler Allard’s Royal Tower, he practices well grooming and optimal hygiene; his gray, silver-striped hair and white fur always clean and citrus fragranced. His amber colored eyes are often written in a stoic expression, with just the slightly noticeable tone of warmth and kindness. Down the right side of his face is the permanent marking of an exiled Lazinshay, a brand his father bared since his ex-communication from the clan. He could be described as a ‘model’ or ‘hero’ among The Sovereign Ragnian Denizens due to his physique; those of tough origin in the sovereignty who don’t serve under him write him off as a ‘Pretty Boy’ in that regard. On this fact; the predominantly wolf-Ragnians find him to be a straight-up model as he resembles the desired traits of a male wolf-Ragnian, meanwhile also bearing the traits of The Lazinshay which also makes him ‘exotic.’ To the residents, he’s pleasing to the eye.

Personality: Liu is more often than not stoic. But, unlike the two other prodigies; he’s neither domineering nor unavailable. When no other Ragnians are watching, he tries to perform hero-work. But, he’s a celebrity so he’s forced to do things he disagrees with to save face when eyes are on him. Despite this, he genuinely wants to do the right thing, just like Karaitha he’s genuinely good at heart. But, due to his father's treatment he bares quite the edge as well, beholding little tolerance for nonsense.

Backstory: Liu was his Elderly Father’s first and only son. The first of the prodigies. He was unlike his electromancer father, being a born pyromancer. He was trained oppositely of Jude; who was trained to develop their physical tactics rather than overwhelming an opponent with shere elemental prowess like Liu was. That being said, since being under Qui’s training Liu never floundered around becoming ‘scrappy’ or physical; he is just as dangerous and well-formed as Jude. Unlike Selena; Jude and Liu held a strong siblinghood until their disagreement, as if the two had come-up on common reasons. Upon Qui’Zon’s revelation, Liu was the only one to remain in Raler’s favore; his conviction to Karaitha’s heart was such strong. As per the revelation, both Selena and Jude remained convicted to fulfill Qui’Zon’s intent, yet Liu had recognized Raler as a second father to him and Karaitha his one and only sweetheart. His heart lived with The Allards. Currently, Liu heads Raler's wolven Army as his head general; leading many battles to victory. Despite being born of The Lazinshay; Liu'Zon is well regarded among common Ragnian folk.

Relevant Lore: Liu'Zon is a 'superhero' figure among The Ragnian Sovereignty. A headfigure for Raler Allard's brand. His good looks, seeming heroism, and consistency has certainly earned him his reputation. He's deeply in love with Karaitha Allard, who returns the same feelings. This being said, he is a sworn rival to Jude Harcorn; the two sharing unfinished business.
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8 | Jul 2nd 2022 08:52