~ Blythe ~

Name || Blythe Wren

Superpower || Water Manipulation 

Height || 5'3"

Sexual orientation & gender || Straight, female

Age || 16 - 19

Species || Human (Dependent)

Nicknames || None

Hobbies || Birdwatching, reading, shopping, writing, listening to music, growing plants, studying astronomy

Likes || Any and all animals, Mexican food, gardens, butterflies, the ocean, the stars, constellations, fashion, her room, documentaries, marine biology

Dislikes || Rude people, loud noises, false advertising, everything about her life

Favorite colors || Pastels

Favorite foods || Tacos, breakfast, fried chicken, enchiladas

Favorite drinks || Lemonade, sparkling water

Favorite desserts || Strawberries, lemon cake

Piercings || Snugs in both ears, an industrial in her left, and a nose hoop

Physical attributes || Medium-length blonde hair, icy blue eyes, petite frame, quiet voice, guarded posture

Clothing style || Fingerless gloves, chokers, ankle socks, combat boots, graphic t-shirts, zip-up hoodies

Personality || Nervous, jumpy, scared of human interaction, clumsy (is that technically a personality trait lol), indecisive, has trouble standing up for herself, hates being yelled at, tries to see the good in people, apologizes too much, dejected, passionate, yearning

"Why does it feel like I'm dying inside a little more every day?"

She is never not fidgeting with something.



She lost her mother in childbirth and was raised until the age of eleven by Dawn, the nanny her father hired to take care of her after she was born, since he didn't want to do it himself. Her father is a prominent criminal and a very bad man. He doesn't care who has to die, just as long as he gets what he wants in the end.
She was never legally given a proper name, so Dawn took it upon herself and began to call her 'Blythe'. After Dawn was killed, Blythe kept this name in secret and even added to it with a last one - Wren. She adored birds and envied how they could always just fly away from their problems. She stuck with that name in the hopes that maybe, one day, she could do that, too.
Her father knows nothing about her power, and she never intends on telling him, lest he uses it for his own personal gain. 
She hates working for him, stealing and hurting and destroying for him, though she has no other choice. Where else would she go? No one would take her in, surely. No one would want her.
Her whole life, she's been called a failure, told that, despite her efforts, she doesn't do things good enough. That SHE isn't good enough. She craves the day when her father is happy with her, when he actually shows her love. She will just have to keep trying until she gets it.
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2 | Jun 19th 2022 09:35