Vicara Vonin

Vicara Vonin
Age: 19
Height: 6’0
Gender: Female, usually
General description: They are taller than the average female, built a bit fluffier than normal, their hair is shoulder length, black in color, eye color is really dark chocolate brown, almost black. They are muscular but it is usually hidden under a bit of fat. She is shy and usually very quiet, and does not like to talk a lot. She usually can be found in the corner of the room, avoiding everyone else.
Ability: Mimic- allows her to mimic anyone that she has extremely intimate knowledge of, both their abilities and their looks, height, weight, all of it, to even activate her ability, she has to know them extremely intimately. If she has a singular factor even slightly off her ability fails.
Psycho-kinesis- allows her to move any and all objects, the downside to this one is that she has to be able to see said object, or the object has to be within 100 yards of her, she has no control over this ability in the slightest, it activates with special qualifications spoken of later, keep reading you greedy lil goblins.
Flaws: OSDD, she cannot choose who is in control of her body, and thus what she looks like, but she can speak with them and make deals as to who gets to control the body at what times, like when they are in classes, she gets to control the body, but anyone else can change the body’s appearance and make the power type change around after that point in time. Class was too awkward when she would switch and get in trouble for being in class as a student of another school, or other things that people would accuse her of. And no, she cannot hot switch too often or else she will get hellish headaches. (Dammit Jen…)
List of Alters and their power sets coming right up! (Minus some more intimate details of course.)

He Lucifer- Luci Hades Leo black/blue hair demon red eyes, very caring and kind, scared to be hurt so hides behind a sh*t eating grin and attitude. Power - Sinner’s Tongue, He convinces people to tell him their deepest, darkest of secrets, this usually comes at the cost of having to touch the person.

She Ty'ra'ni'dou- Tyr Norse Saggitarius blond hair icy blue eyes, rarely comes out and doesn't have much in the means of sociality. Scared of the world and herself. Power - Giant’s Strength, will allow the user to become superhuman, but all of the muscular wear and tear will remain. (try tearing all of your muscles and call me then!)

He Gr'o'kk'n't- Ciel Hermes Gemini platinum hair black eyes red flecks 5'2 attack mode: purple flesh 6' long black hair steely gray cats eyes, likes to act like a kind person but has a dark side, served under Lillith the queen of demons at one point. Power - Prediction, he can guess what people will want him to do at any time that he wishes to, the downside is that he then has to try and either make that reality, or he will take a penalty for neglecting his duties.

She Alice- Ali Sweet angel Taurus Khonsu fire red hair emerald green eyes Bunny rabbit, she likes to try and help. Is very selfless to a fault. No self preservation. Power - She is able to influence people’s dreams, twisting them as she wishes to do so, but the downside is she herself can never dream, when she sleeps it is an endless void.

He Mesphistopheles- Gien/Mephy Howler Monkey red hair purple eyes 5'0 male form: blood red hair crystal blue eyes 6'0, he acts self righteous to hide a very bad case of anxiety and hatred for his own self. He has a horrid sense of emotions though and can't keep them in check. Power - Magi Read, allows him to read magical waves, determining a person’s attack type, or if he needs to he can clone it, but not to perfection, the downside is that his own magic is rather weak, he cannot make magics of his own, even if he tries to.

He Jek'ka'aan- Jekyll Libra Athena, he laughs a lot and in his own right loves riddles. Also has a very bad sense of mental fortitude and is scared of his brother Hyde. Power - Heckling, he prefers to not use it but he can actually cause people to be enraged, heckling them till they are red in the face with ease.

He Takumi Usui- Takki Gemini Nyx gray hair gray eyes no pupil, he is kind, goes out of his way for others, and fears harming anyone. Power - Polymorph, He makes himself turn into other creatures, but for very short times, he has to know the anatomy of the creature, power lasts up to one hour and then he will be forced out of control.

He Akkenattn- Aki Sagittarius 3'2 green eyes, very pale, 6' tall male with white hair and a grin from ear to ear. hates yelling and persistence of badgering Hypnos. Power - Sol, he makes himself turn to a blazing inferno, think of the human torch, but stuck to walking around.

Sebastian- Sebby enhancer black kitty sagittarius Bast. Looks like Sebastian Michaelis. He plays formal and smiles a lot. He though acts more like a mischief maker and has a love for toying with people when he can. Power - Enhancement, he enhances anything he can try to, if he wants to make a spell stronger, yep, it goes boom boom, he tries to make someone jump higher, yep, but he will have a strong downside when he next attempts to do this himself, Dangerous, he usually does not use his ability.

He Azrael- Azzy Thanatos Capricorn black hair black eyes, missing spots on his face such as the right eye and left cheek, and has no skin covering his left hand ribcage. He is unstable as of now and is half as likely to hug you and cuddle you for safety as he is to try and eat you alive. Generally he tries to be a good person. Power - Death’s Door, he is constantly active, helping people to pass to the other side, if he uses the power in combat he steals years of the life of the being he is attacking, very rare to use, uses a lot of energy.

He John- John John (Joker) Apollo Gemini blond hair blue eyes. He makes jokes and loves to be sarcastic but when he makes fun of people he does it to try and make them feel better of themselves in whatever way is shown. He also is insecure about himself in every way possible but tries to hide it in his speech patterns. Power - Trickster, he lays traps in wait in an attempt to ambush his prey, or to troll them and laugh in their face, who knows anymore?!

He Jack- Jacky/Jack jack Ares Virgo red hair Silver eyes. Very kind hearted and joyous but also bipolar as hell. Likes to give compliments for no reason aside to give compliments. Power - Theft, he is an ultimate pickpocket, he can steal a wallet without even needing to be near the person, but he rarely brings himself to do it due to the sensation of guilt that follows.

They/them Rapheal (Jack's twin)= Ripper/Rippey/Red Mars Virgo Lynx red hair red eyes very angry and usually only shows when we snap. But when they are awake on their own behest they are sweet and kind. They try to hold back from rage because they desire to be known as a living being rather than a ball of anger. Power - Bloody Moon, On nights when the moon is a blood moon, they hunt people down, hungering for flesh, they usually do not get to be in control on these nights, on nights unlike that they control themselves better, being able to use inhuman strength, they possess extremely sharp claws, capable of tearing through steel car doors with ease, but not much more than that.

She Jennifer- Jenni/jen jen Aphrodite Scorpio red hair green eyes. She is sexual as hell but tries to play casual. She is kind and caring in general and especially so for those who are sexually inclined. She can read people like books and tell where their spots are. She will tease those who are too obvious. Power - Charm, they can lower the inhibitions of persons they really have interest in, but she also has a secondary ability, she can see weak points, of any kind she desires at that time. The more obvious, the more they look like diamonds to her.

He Zeke- Zekey/Zeze Ezikiel Cancer brown hair brown eyes. He is shy and factual. And aside from that not much else. Power - Akashic Records, He has a large librarium stuck in his head, making it so he can pull random facts from it, or he can use it to summon ancient spells, he holds most known knowledge in his brain.

She Silvia- Silvi Artemis Aquarius white hair w streaks of silver eyes KICK MASTER. Shy and squeaky. Doesn't show up much but likes to try and be friendly. Very Athletic. Power - Moonlight Archery, She can see much farther than a normal human should be able to, and if she ever tries to she could shoot a bow with deathly high accuracy up to very high ranges, more than should be possible for regular humans.

She Ven- V Falcon Hera Libra pure white hair green eyes 5'0, she is kind and giggly but changes on a dime when she is pissed off. She likes to be kind and will be a friend. Power - Sketch sounding but Friendship, yeah, she legit makes people want to be friends with her, she is nice but tries her best to not use it, due to feeling like she is cheating when she makes friends that way.

Azazel: She- Zel Horus pisces 10'0 with a smooth chocolate skin tone and long red hair, wears a black leather tribal styled suit that goes down to thigh high boots. On her head are two dark horns and along her back are two ten foot long wings of black feathers. She is stand offish and will be defiant. She doesn't like to deal with new people and would rather deal with people she knows as her friends already. She also is kind once she gets acclimated to a new person. Is a dumb. Power - Falcon Flight, they can use their wings to make themselves fly, costs a sh*t ton of energy to do that but they will do it, their wings are heavy but they still fly, physicists be damned!

Asmo- short for Asmodeus he is as kind and sweet as sugar and anxiety filled as well but he keeps it hidden. No matter what he prefers to take care of others rather than himself. He can't choose which side of himself he wants to show. Power - Hunger, he fuels the fires of one’s own thoughts, making the darker sides of the mind wake up and speak for themselves, essentially if you have a dirty mind he will know, if you wanna murder, he will know, and if you wish to do anything, he can push you to do just that. He awakens the hunger for more freedoms from conscience, and allows the conscience to be hushed.

Beelzebub- just call her Bel. She is friendly as long as you are. Her partner Levi shows up if you piss her off. Be warned not to piss off Bel. Power- Linkage, she links her mind up with other people, eating off of their emotions and putting them into a state of just pure, straight ‘Bleh” As she calls it.

Leviathan- super protective of Bel. Angry as f*** and strong enough to make non-sensitives sensitive. She likes to torture anyone who pisses off her partner, do not piss her off by insulting her partner. Power- The Deep, She can cause pressure around her to rise, making people feel like they are being crushed by causing a mental pressure like that of the Marianas Trench, just on land, can be targeted to one person but very rarely.

Searge- He has no other name and is an ass, likes to make jokes and has no sense of when enough is enough, be direct, he will back the f*** off if he is told the f*** off. Was a prior drill sergeant, if he insults you it is because he is trying to bring out the potential he sees in you. Power- Inspiration, He does his best to make people inspired, his efforts are shown by releasing the body’s limitations, pushing you to 100%

Hana - She was a human, pretty nice and likes to make small jokes here and there, rather shy and scared of humans. She also is rather anxious about showing up, she likes to make references and tries her best to act like someone else of us rather than herself. Power- Can make people trust her, of course this causes a lot of confusion but she is nice all the same.

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1 | Jun 17th 2022 07:52