Raven Whitlock

Full Name: Raven Whitlock
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species/Race: Human
Occupation: Survivalist
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Social Status: little known
Relationship Status: Single

Raven was born into a world of chaos. Her entire life has been nothing but turmoil and danger. It has been 52 years since the illness that turned society on its head. A sickness that could turn any well mannered human into a savage flesh eating beast. It was this life and this sickness that eventually took two of her limbs. Using her resources and the remanences of the previous days she managed to forge together robotic prosthetics which in return aid in her survival. She is hardened due to her past she wonders the wasteland alone in hope to find answers to the many questions which fill her past.
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6 | Jun 13th 2022 22:49