Konor Allard

Name: Konor Allard
Species: Wolf Ragnian
Age: 24
Height: 5'4
Weight: 90 lbs
Optimal Genres: Romance, Action, Humor

Physical Description: Konor resembles the typical Allard "look." That meaning he has raven black fur, crimson hair with a short crimson brow, and crimson eyes. However, he's also quite different from the rest of his surviving family members as he's quite short and incredibly thin for a male Wolf Ragnian. He's only 5'4 which makes him a foot shorter than his twin sister Karaitha, and a foot and a half shorter than his father Raler. He dawns a green cap wrapped in brown linen which was common for male Ragnian Royalty, the trend only breaking with his father as he wears no head pieces. He tries to make himself look as big as possible due to his short stature, and he wears a large crimson scarf resembling his hair, a heavy brown cloak that flows like wings in harsh winds, and a smaller green cloak over that which helps amplify the effect. Under these heavy gowns he wears a loose fitting gray vest with brown khaki-ish pants which ultimately leads down t o the typical Ragnian bare feet. This heavy attire doesn't help him in the long run however as it adds insult to injury for heat exhaustion stacked onto his black fur and low stamina and resilience.

Personality: Konor can best be described as a 'softie' or a 'mush.' He has no capacity for aggression whatsoever. And despite his lack of grit, he is actually more competent at handling traumatizing events than his twin sister.

Backstory: (Read Karaitha's bio for the more detailed nuances regarding the circumstances of his birth). Born to an ailing mother who labored twins, he was the first of the pair born and was born small and sickly. He had inherited his mother's illness and due to growing up with this illness, it had stunted his growth so he did not reach the tall stature his family had been known for as he grew. Short, weak, sickly, thin; he was the complete opposite of his prideful father who found him a disgrace to the Allard name. His father HATES him, and often doesn't even seem to consider him a blood relative. On top of that Konor was never really good at anything growing up, and often felt like he was just hiding his his prodigy sister's shadow. Raler even wanted to have his son killed during infancy, but despite Konor's sister being the star child and the prodigy, she cared heavily for her smaller twin. She's fiercely protective over him, more so than any other person. Due to his timid and shy personality, he often hides behind his sister when out in public as he knows she's the only one who would protect him. Once they started sneaking out of the palace to covertly help their father on his missions due to incompetent Ragnian agents, it was found out that he actually did have a very useful talent. He discovered he had a perfect photographic memory and could translate his memories onto canvas and paper perfectly, with more accuracy than the grainy and colorless photographs the humans were able to take at the time. After the conflict with Jude Harcorn in the old Harcorn Tower (refer to Karaitha's bio for that information), he joined along with his sister in the allowance to allow Jude to convince them of what the state of the world truly is like and who's responsible.

Relevant Lore: Though Konor is a sufferer from the disease his mother had contracted while pregnant with her twin children, Karaitha also had inherited this disease; though for her it acts as a recessive gene and doesn't effect her like it does her brother.
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5 | Jun 13th 2022 06:33