Jude Harcorn

Name: Jude Harcorn
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'8
Weight: 189 lbs
Optimal Genres: Action, Suspense, Drama, Gore

Physical Description: Jude is a young human male of average height. He bares pale skin and pale brown eyes accompanied by raven colored hair, which is quite common in descendants from his ancestral homeland. He's in peak human physical condition, his body trained to hold more dense muscle and bone, which explains his high weight for his height. He's usually seen clad in a what appears to be a flowing white cape made of a fire retardant material, also bearing a hat of the same material with the golden symbol of The Lazinshay fixed to it by a golden chain. He also wears an armored vest made of enchanted steel which is designed to lessen the damage of offensive magical spells. He's clad in steel soled black boots and long-somewhat tight pants made of the same fire retardant material his cloak is. He wears gloves also made of this strong material, with red metal plating on the tops of his hands which bare the same enchantment as his armored vest but are primarily used to deflect blades.

Personality: Jude is usually a calculated, calm, prudent, and careful type. He's often described as a machine for the purpose of killing, and Jude would describe himself as such as well. He's a brilliant social engineer though, able to mimic and fake emotions as if they were legitimate, which is perfect for manipulating those he can find gains from. Despite his steely composure, he also has an avid sense of humor, often making fun of or mocking his opponents who are foolish enough to stand in his way. He's cold but empathic, he doesn't register to his own emotions but he's very good at recognizing other people's feelings which plays into his social engineering.

Backstory: Raler Allard and his royal adviser Grandmaster Qui Zon had lead the Ragnian troops and managed to penetrate the Human's capital stronghold where the current human king, Gillian Harcorn had been residing. The Ragnians overwhelmed the humans, and the King was confronted by the Great Warlock King Raler. In the confrontation, Raler used his magic to render the Human King into a bleached skeleton as the prince and legitimate heir Jude Harcorn watched in horror, only a young toddler at the time. In a fit of rage Jude had fired a powerful bolt of blue lightning at the Warlock King, only for it to be blocked and absorbed into the body of Qui Zon, who also wielded control over lightning. The infant was easily rendered unconscious by the Elder wolf grandmaster and he pleaded with the Warlock King to allow the boy to live under his care as a slave, as he was only one of two electromancers (Lightning Elementalists) alive in the word. Raler agreed as he felt that with the royal heir captured and the King dead, the war was won. Little did he know Gillian had an illegitimate child away from the capital who would soon take over the mantle of King. Jude was taken and raised at Qui Zon's secret temple in the highest mountains of Ragnia. There lived Qui Zon's two Lazinshay wolf Ragnian children, the abducted protigy named Selena and his biological son named Liu` Zon. Both were older than Jude, who was 4 years old at the time; Selena being 7 and Liu` being 8. The two were opposed to having a human live as their adoptive brother; or that was until Qui Zon informed them that the boy was like himself, an endangered electromancer. Jude was trained under Zon from that day onward along with his two siblings, all three pushing their bodies passed their limits and becoming elite killers. They all grew to weigh passed their figures with their bodily densities all became the most renounced Martial Artists in the land. Only two disciples of Qui Zon were elementalists; Jude controlling lightning, and Liu' controlling fire; Selena had none but she beheld a unique and advanced hyperphysicality she used to compensate. Jude's mastery of lightning became so proficient by the time he was a young teenager, that Qui Zon had the legendary Gem of Storms surgically inserted into his body, as the gem resonated most effectively with lightning. During this time in Jude's life, Zon had fallen ill due to his old age. On his deathbed, he informed his 3 disciples that their true purpose was to kill Raler Allard and end the war between the humans and the Ragnians. This had shocked Liu` as he had grown a loyalty with Raler almost as strong as his bond with his master. Qui chose Jude as his successor, the adopted human son, to be the one to inherit such a legacy. Jealously fueled Liu` and he stormed off to later meet Raler and inform him of this; the biological son of Zon later becoming the Supreme General of the Ragnian Army. With this news, a large company of Ragnian Soldier accompanied Raler and Liu` to go to the temple and put and end to the late Zon's plan by apprehending the two remaining loyal disciples. When they arrived, the two adoptive siblings were already far gone from the temple. Now Jude, fulfilling the role of the instrument he was raised and trained to become, sets out to end Raler's rule under any circumstances with the help of his adoptive sister. Through his years of attempting to destroy the Ragnian infrastructure, he's the most wanted criminal in Ragnia and is considered a terrorist.

Relevant Lore: The war was instigated by the Allard family during the beginning of the war, having married into the previous royal family of the Lazinshay who ruled so many millennia either. Ristroff Allard had married the queen Sulii` Lazinshay. Ristroff had poisoned Sulii` and claimed the royal thrown all for himself. The child he bared with his late wife was name Rolant Allard, who inherited the father's legacy after his death. Rolant used public social engineering to poison the minds of the Ragnian people and their military and convinced them that the humans, who had come to their land peacefully, were evil and needed to be destroyed. This trend was carried over for 7 generations in the royal bloodline and the Ragnian people, which now sits at the Ragnian Warlock King, Raler Allard. The human royal bloodline was never so forcefully usurped, and the Royal bloodline of the Harcorns had remained in power for the humans. When the war started, Erlik Harcorn had many contingencies in plan in case the Ragnians attacked and the humans had used their comparatively advanced scientific knowledge to develop weapons the Ragnians could not. It was the dawn of the age of the firearm. The war continued for 200 years with the Ragnian's powerful and seemingly endless magic against the Human's instantly lethal weaponry and science, the two being at a complete deadlock
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8 | Jun 13th 2022 06:31