Plume Arachne

(Somewhat inspired by The Secret World of Arrietty)

Name: Plume Arachne
Age: 18+ (Depends on our age range)
Gender: Female
Height: 1 foot (Moth Form)
5 foot (Human Form)
Occupation: None
Species: Moth

Family: As you can possibly tell, plume grew up in a moth family of Plume moths. Plume grew up with her older brother, who she is very close with, and her elegant mother. She mostly looked up to her older brother, and besides being scared she continued following her brother outside their home as he was one to gather supplies for the family.

Personality: Plume is bright when she is not frightened and small. When she's out in the world with her brother, she stays close by him, but at the same time she likes the adventure. The thought of getting squished by a bigger human in her moth form, scares her quite a bit. Plume prefers being in her moth form, as it keeps her more hidden. Not to mention, her human form is how she looks in her moth form, just bigger. She had always been fascinated to explore more of the home the lived beneath more, but her fear of getting squished frightens her quite a bit.

Background: As stated before, Plume is very close to her older brother, especially as she grew up without a father figure. She had always heard theories and how adored her father was, until he had passed away while going out to provide for the family. She spent her grief, as well as her brother, gathering supplies with her brother in memory of her father. Though, she always had a curious spot for the home they lived underneath as there had been a person who lived there who always peaked her interest.

Plot: Your character will be the person that owns the home Plume gathers supplies from, and lives under. You discover small portions of your ingredients missing and decide to investigate a little bit more. Plume and her brother would go out, and steal small portions of food in your home until one day you catch Plume gathering by herself. Though Plume is terrified, your character finds her fascinating and decides to let her keep going. As time goes on, Plume and your character row closer, but she doesn't mention the rest of her family living underneath your home. Plume eventually opens up, and even shows you her human form. One day, an unexpected visitor comes to your house as they've been noticing your character talking to themselves frequently in the night time. Time goes on and the unexpected visitor makes an attempt to get rid of the moths, but your character does everything in their power to stop them.

Any other suggestions, add-ons, or different plots, I'd be open to hear.

PS: This is not drawn by me, full credit to the artist on Pinterest)
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2 | Jun 3rd 2022 00:36