Nyx Oceana

Name: Nyx Oceane
Age: 21 (equivalent human years, but much older)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Night Club owner.
Birthdate: July 31
Current Residence: New Orleans.
Height: 5’6
Hair color: A deep brown that gradually turns light towards the ends.
Eye color: Gold
Species: Witch
Markings: A triangle filled with a scene of a starry night sky above a line of trees tattoo, enchanted to match the heavens above her placed on her ribs.

Talents: An affinity for magic with a specialty in the manipulation of plants.
Weaknesses: A fear of fire and being hunted.

Personality: Years of prosecution have turned her cold to the outside world, her once kind and curious nature hidden away only ever shown to those closest to her.
Relationship: Single
Mother: Abigail Oceane
Father: Unknown

Bio: Nyx was born in a lowly town of Nepal. Where her people were hidden away from the world a place they could practice there talents in peace, enclosed by the mountains and lush forests that surrounded them. It was a haven to many, they had their sacred ground to preform their ceremonial rituals that were shunned across the globe, many people to guide them in times of need. Nyx had a very happy childhood here with her mother and grandmother to raise and teach her, she loved to run barefoot through the trees, speaking with the spirits and being free to be who she was.

Until one day it all changed, the morning had been crisp and the trees seemed to go silent as if they knew of the horrors to come. It started with a rumble in the distance which slowly began to grow louder as it neared. Before they even had time to prepare, a brigade of soilders came crashing into their homes. The sounds of bullets ringing and the screams of her people fill the air. As she stood in absolute shock and horror of the scene before her the invaders began to set fire to her once beautiful lands, burning everything in their path. Everything seemed to slow down as she witnessed her neighbors and friends be pushed to the ground and beaten, unable to defend themselves it was like watching lambs to the slaughter. She stood frozen in time while the deadly flames licked just at her feet before feeling the arms of her mother pick Nyx up from the ground, whisking her away into the night. They escaped through the mountains, leaving everything Nyx had ever known behind, she was only eight years old.

However, they were one of the the lucky ones, escaping with their lives and anything they could carry. But they were not safe yet after many months in the rugged and frigid terrain of the mountains that once protected them, they finally made it to the other side. The land they knew to love had turned on them, they were now being hunted across the country for simply thinking different and so they had no choice but to flee. Her mother and grandmother had decided to go to America as with the turn of the century, the people there no longer believing that the way of old days were still real. At the most her family was labeled as fanatics and left them in relative peace.

So this was a new being for her family, they had arrived in their new home only a few weeks later, it was a simple place located in the mountains of a state called Wyoming. It reminded her much of her home that she was not afraid of this new land, but she refused to go into town afraid to find the men there still looking for them. It took a few years for her to warm up until she was comfortable with going in town. However it may have helped that Nyx had just turned 15, and began to start showing her true gifts. One day when she was collecting herbs and roots in the forest she had felt the need to see the beautiful flowers from her home land and right before her eyes the one she had envisioned bloomed immediately before her. Nyx was so ecstatic she rushed home to tell her family, and they helped her grow her powers beyond belief.

When Nyx turned, what would be measured in human years of eighteen, she thought it time to explore the world for herself, go to other covens and learn their ways. No matter how hard it was to leave her family, Nyx knew it was the right way. She had been with them all her life they shared a bond that could not be broken no matter how far they were, this thought gave her comfort. So with a heavy heart she set out with a simple blue van and toured her way across the country. Nyx met many like her and many who were not, she learned of the fantastical wold outside of her own. There were creatures she had never heard about, people who lived in the shadows just as she did, who were hunted out of their homes and forced to change their lives.

So many lived had been uprooted by prosecution, just like her own. So that’s is when Nyx found her true calling in the world. To offer salvation to any who were brave enough to seek it, a place to come when there seemed to be no others. Forming a coven of not just her own kind but other creatures as well, together they traveled across the globe in search of those who only wished for a helping hand.
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8 | May 30th 2022 21:39