OC 5 - Callie

Name: Callie {unknown}
Age: 19
Height: 5ft 4
Sexuality: straight
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Mother - Louisa {unknown} - deceased
Father - Gerald {unknown} - deceased
Backstory - Her father passed when she was only 6 years old, her quirk had just come and she supported both mother and father in hospital using her quirk. She was an only child so when her mother eventually threw in the towel when Callie was 14 years old, she a was forced to find help. She then met her partner Peter. She is forced to stay with him as she doesn’t know what to do anymore and can’t escape. She needs help.
Quirk - Illusions ~ for her quirk to completely work she would have to take in any pain the other is feeling even if it was excruciating. She works mostly in children’s wards.
- strawberry blonde hair
- big emerald green eyes
- petite frame
- abu$ive scars all over her back and thighs
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