
Name: Morrcures

Alias: Morrie

Age: ???

Height: 5'10

Weight: 100bs

Race/Species: ???

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Male

Date of birth: ???

Main abilities: His eyes will turn into swirls allowing him to do hypnosis almost immediately after, he has venom that could kill someone in a day and it is very painful to go through. He also has claws that sharpen and grow on command.

Eye color: Red

Skin color: Black

Scale Color: Black

Mental Health: Sadistic

Clothing: None

Looks: Well with what was said he also seems kinda like a human but with fangs and he's not "naked" unless he let's himself be seen like that. He has two tentacles on his back and could wrap around someone twice each along with one that looks like it would be a tail.

Story: There is a cave far far away from everyone. In a swamp. It is said that the cave holds a chest of gold. Little does anyone know about the monster living in the cave.
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0 | May 30th 2022 01:16