Brynna Sinclair

Full name: Brynna Rowan Sinclair
Nicknames: Brynn
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: Twenty-one
Born in: Los Angeles, California
Birthday: September 3rd
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Occupation: Internet and TV celebrity

Height: 5’5
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue-grey
Scars: A burn scar on her forearm
Piercings: Multiple piercings on right ear, just one on the left
Tattoos: A heart on her hip, her parents birthdays on her wrist
Overall clothing style: Very experimental, usually bright and trendy


Likes: Big groups of people, all types of art, outside attention, the beach, helping others
Dislikes: Being ignored, lying, too much structure

Born to Alex and Nadia Sinclair, two extremely famous actors in the Hollywood scene, Brynna’s life has always been one of privilege. Growing up, her parents protected her from the paparazzi and any media attention. Her name, face and identity were completely hidden from the public, and for the first nineteen years of her life the world seemed to forget that Alex and Nadia even had a daughter together. Brynna lived her life in peace, attending top schools and living in the family’s mansion in a gated celebrity community where no one except very close family and friends could go. It was a peaceful childhood, but as Brynna grew older she also grew lonely. Having to hide her identity all the time was becoming irritating to her, but she kept it up since she wanted to respect her parents wishes. Brynn loved her parents, trusting that they were doing what was best for her.

However, everything changed a few weeks before Brynn’s twenty-first birthday, when both of her parents were in a car crash with a drunk driver. Nadia died on impact, while Alex died in the hospital a few days later. The sudden losses sent Brynn into a tailspin, unsure of her place in the world without her parents there to support her. After a few months of grieving on her own in an empty house now filled with nothing except memories and a few paid employees, Brynn received an email inviting her to appear on a late night television show. Seeking attention and help in such a lonely time, Brynna immediately agreed and did an extensive interview with the host, sharing details that had never been seen before. Due to her parents popularity and the shock over their deaths, Brynn became an internet sensation overnight. She created public social media accounts that went viral within a few hours, hundreds of thousands of people tuning in just to see what she had to say. The attention was addicting, especially after such a huge loss and being anonymous for so long.

With newfound fame, Brynn made friends in the industry fast. Everyone seemed to want to be seen with her, and she made a series of appearances in multiple talk shows, podcasts, and magazines. Despite this, Brynn’s loneliness and grief never went away, it didn’t even fade at all. Now, she is still struggling to find her place in this new public world and is unsure of where exactly she fits in. Petrified that she’ll be forgotten once the interest coming from her parents dies down, Brynn is desperate to make a name for herself, she just hasn’t figured out how yet.
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3 | May 20th 2022 21:40