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Name: Reginald Blechman
Alias: Wrench
Nicknames: Reggie
Gender: Male
Age: 20s
Birth Date: April 4th
Currently Living: Somewhere in San Francisco
Species: Human
Astrology Sign: Aries
Chinese Animal/Zodiac Year: Snake
Blood Type: O-
Chinese Element: Fire
Height: 6'2
Weight: 159 lbs
Frame/Build: Skinny
Skin Color: Very pale
Hair length: Short and a little shaggy
Hair color: White
Eye shape: Round
Eye color: Pale blue
Voice type: Average for a male, although he usually has his voice modulator disguising his voice
Tattoo(s): Plenty all over his arms and body.
Scar(s): Dozens scattering his body
Other notable accessories: His mask and goggles, along with his punk style.
Any other identifying mark(s): The wine red birthmark on his left eye.
Favorite Food(s): "Me? Oh, I'll eat anything."
Favorite Sport(s): "I don't really like sports."
Favorite Book(s): "Meh, I've read tons of books. I did enjoy The Shining."
Favorite Movie(s): "I love plenty of movies. I'm a f***ing nerd if I'm honest."
Favorite Music: "Any kind of punk or grunge.
Favorite Color(s): "Silver and black."
Clothing Style/Preferences: Punk, grunge style. Black and silver, spikes, you know.
Hobbies: Hacking, threatening people, anarchy, engineering, overall destroying sh*t.
Likes: Anarchy, murder (the gorier, the better!), sci-fi movies and books, as well as horror.
Dislikes: Blume, not particularly fond of animals, especially dogs.
Good Trait(s): Smart and kind of fun to hang around when you get used to him.
Negative Trait(s): Crude, a**holeish, childish, loud, emotionally unavailable and unstable.
Strengths: Hacking, parkour, engineering, programming, hell of a fighter.
Weaknesses: Kind of shrinks into his shell when his mask is gone.
Habits: Tapping on any surface he can (usually to annoy)
Phobia/Fears: Losing the few people he considers friends, yelling directed at him (like if you really get in his face and yell angrily at him)
Mental Illnesses: On the Autism Spectrum (considered high-functioning), social anxiety, PTSD, depression, antisocial personality disorder (considered more psychopathic by some, but he's actually a sociopath), and insomnia. Basically enough to win a game of Bingo at a psych ward.
Physical Illnesses: N/A
Physically (outward interaction with their environment, personal strengths): Wrench is an agent of chaos. He'll do anything to f*ck up something for his own entertainment.
Psychologically (intellect, mental stability, morality): He is very intelligent, there is no denying it. Does he use it for good? That's up for debate. Wrench seems mostly mentally stable until he starts talking. He has next to no morals. He steals, he kills, he hurts people. But, he does have some limits to what he will tolerate.
Emotionally (willpower, under stressful situations, expressiveness): Has no willpower. He handles well under stress. He can be rather expressive with his mask, but without it, he's very socially awkward.
Socially (how others view them, how they interact with people): Wrench is "a f*cked up motherf*cker" in Horatio's own words. Which stands true. Wrench is shown to be very crude in his behavior. His humor varies from childish to straight-up disturbing.
1. Describe the character’s childhood.
Wrench had an awful upbringing. Druggie and alcoholic abusive parents. He was quick to learn that he was best off just keeping to himself. He found comfort in technology, growing to be very intelligent, taking whatever he could get his hands on and creating something amazing out of it. But it was never enough for his parents. He never brings this up.
2. Name the good incidents that have happened in the character’s life. How has this shaped their personality?
Joining DedSec is hands-down the best moment in his life, and a decision he has yet to regret.
3. Name bad experiences that have happened in the character’s life. How has this shaped their personality?
His whole childhood was hell, what else to say?
4. What are their goals at this point?
Take down Blume and f*ck up whatever he can.
Team affiliations: DedSec
Powers/special abilities: N/A
Other skills: High intelligence, hacking, engineering, programming, parkour.
Weaknesses/Kryptonite: Kind of shrinks without his mask and is rather sensitive to yelling.
Character theme song: Riot - Hollywood Undead
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2 | Apr 17th 2022 12:06