
F19 is resting after the repair and while he is regaining strenght they decide to go to look if he is an actual harm or not.
They go to the cauldron, since it is also a medic thing they called Haoxi too so he follows them to see the story.
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1 | Apr 9th 2022 12:02
KuroSakura «What good will it bring? He is such a ridiculous individual that they didn't even bother about him until the janitor tried to get rid of me for sitting on his couch.» It was all part of a greater scheme.
«Let's change. You go to live with my family and I with yours. Get all my spoils for yourself. Also get all the love they reserve to me, especially that man. He can only think about working to get one extra coin he won't ever need.»
He shakes his head. «I can't know what my dad would want, because I can't see or speak to him. He didn't even come to check on me after I said I would go to join my dead dad!»
He goes to read the details of the project as soon as the scene changes. He then looks at the boys and stops by Ryong. «What have they done to him…?»
BAD "Think it like monopoli. You came back to the start but you received 200 coins! And with them you can buy houses and hotels." XD
When the vision proceeds, she returns to focus on it, studying the place and what they are doing. "What are you exactly up to here? Who are you? Who do you work for?" Even she finds the experiments disturbing.
"An old evil fart less of course. Isn't it always a good?
Exchange the love of my dad and my harem with you? Hah, nice try. You are really the typical spoiled brat that doesn't get enough time with parents. You would only want a bit of love, right? Can I invite you for dinner with me and my family? We are here in Shiinden anyway.
Though...they surely made his funeral here, so his spirit would be able to communicate. Do you know the special room of the House of Snake? I'll accompany you later. Bring something your dad likes."
Web °He is a difficult type due to his past but I don't justify him. He should have learnt how to behave with people.
You have an harem? I thought only emperors had it.° he approaches to read too, °They did nothing good for sure. We have to collect informations to stop this thing before we can. They changed some body parts for what I can see.°


The man looks at her °We are testing a new soldiers, cyborg. I am biomechanic scientist and I work for Shisui Riddle.°
KuroSakura «No, I received a "go straight to prison without passing from start" card.»
He shrugs. «Like one mosquito less, the same great achievement. I don't see anyone running to see him either, for how important his capture was.»
He nods at being called the usual spoiled brat.
«Then that man bursts in saying that he is being blamed for not having dinner with me?»
He takes a step back at the proposal to go to see YooJin. He knows there is nothing to be proud in him, right now.
«ShiSui? Isn't that the criminal uncle ShiHao worked for? Why are you making these soldiers?»
BAD "What makes you think I haven't my own Empire?
They did but the rest is all his? How will they make even his skin as tough as it is?
Oh shit." She can't restain her surprise as she hears who. "Fuck. He did such a thing!
Throw better next time. You never know when you can get the happy birthday card.
Nonsense. He was a bad guy, he won't be able to harm further.
Well...maybe that's because it was not an official mission." She loved the thrill.
"You would be having dinner with him in any case? I don't get the sense, but I hope you have a strong stomach or that dad returns with something ready he bought.
If you are worried to face him can you want to join him?"