OC Maridora Dark

°Name: Maridora Dark
°Age: 19
°Birthday: 15.08.2002
°Quirk: Hell
°Gender: Female
°Pronouns: She/Her
°Nationality: Japanese
°Family: Unknown
°Relationship status: single
°Occupation: Secret Hero
°Hair: short, half shaved, bright red
°Eyes: Naturally: Cyan; By quirk usage: Red or completely black
°Body: Naturally: Average height (170 cm/5'7); By turning into demon form (for quirk usage): Tall af (270 cm/8'8), has only 2 scars on back, because of her wings
°Hobbies: Dancing, boxing, gymnastics, video games and making own plushies and dolls
°Mental Side: uh- kinda dead
°Personality: Quiet, cold and barely talks, but as soon as she counts you as person to trust, talkative, friendly, caring and funny
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