Her picture will be in my Character Profile Album

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Ashes of Eden-Breaking Benjamin
0:45─l──────── 4:53
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┌ Even if they prefer silver,
I’ll stay gold┘
Name: Mirai Takao
Meaning: Future (first name) Nobel (last name)
Nicknames: Mira, Mimi, Ria, Busy Bee.
Gender: Female
Alpha/Beta/Omega: Alpha
Age: 16
Height: 5'3
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair color: Deep teal bordering on green
Body type: Mirai has an hourglass body type, but her chest isn’t very noticeable. Depending on her clothing, due to her shorter hair, she can sometimes be confused for a boy from behind.
Species: Human
Eye color: Blue-ish purple
Likes: Reading, reptiles, birds, sewing, crocheting.
Dislikes: Not getting enough sleep, people being cruel to animals, people threatening those close to her.
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1 | Mar 21st 2022 23:47