Name: Ana Amari

Age: Mid-Forties (Born: September 19th, 2016).

Occupation: Sniper, Overwatch second in command , Captain, UN Security Advisor.

Appearance: In her prime, Ana stood at 5'9". Though she retains her beauty, her dusky skin has lost some of its luster thanks to the sun and time spent outdoors. She now sports a few wrinkles on her forehead and around the corners of her eyes. Her long, silky hair still retains its bounce and fullness despite having a few unseemly grays here and there. Of course, over her left eye is her Eye of Horus tattoo. She stands tall even today and walks with confidence. Ana's face is as sharp as ever and always exudes a sense of purpose and determination.

Ana's body is hardened from a life of combat. Her muscular arms are toned but not overly muscled. They possess the perfect amount of strength and agility to be able to fight effectively when necessary. Her legs are still well formed and powerful, though slightly less so than they once were.

Past the nice musculature, Ana's form can be described as a canvas of war; with a torso marred with dried pock marks from shrapnel picked up during her years of combat. Dried scars are spread across her chest and stomach. These are the physical remnants of the countless times Ana was hit by enemy fire, including pulse rifle bullets that pierced through her protective layers.

Bio: A fierce protector. Ana Amari is on top of her game as a soldier and leader, making sure everyone she cares about stays safe. She doesn't hesitate when it comes time to pull the trigger. Ana has spent more time than most commanding Overwatch squads in combat. Her experience gives her tactical insight, helping her lead her teams to victory.

Ana was born into a family who were all soldiers; they had served in various forces over many generations. The army life suited her well enough, but she never wanted to be just another cog in the machine. Ana could've been described as driven, intelligent and resourceful; but most of all, she cared deeply for people around her.

As Egypt suffered the brunt of a terrible war brought on by the Omnics, Ana became increasingly involved with trying to stop their atrocities. It wasn't long before Ana took up arms herself, working long days and nights as a specialized anti-materiel sniper, eliminating robotic threats wherever they appeared. As the years went on, the targets changed -- human terrorists, mercenaries and other criminals came under fire too. Despite all of this, she had one policy: never leave an enemy alive.

After the end of the Omnic conflict, Ana was handpicked by the UNSC to help lead and form what would become Overwatch. Though there have always been those against them, Ana's team has worked hard together since its formation. They're dedicated, determined and loyal to each other above anything else.

When Ana isn't fighting alongside her friends or training others in how to fight better, you can find her at home in Cairo relaxing after a day's work. She likes watching old movies, reading books on history and spending quality time with her daughter. Ana has lived through some tough times during her career, which means she'll do whatever it takes to make sure things are right again.
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