Admin Interview

A brief interview with the admin about the character of this account.

1. So, what inspired you to create this account?

“I saw the photo on deviantart, and it stuck in my head for a week or two, wondering what such a reality would be like. Thus, this account was made.”

2. I hope you understand the controversy in the theme…

“I am fully aware, though I can assure everyone that I am not a anti-semite, and I’m not a nazi or a supporter of them. I am actually quite friendly and accepting of everyone.”

3. Have you received any push-back for your choice in character?

“Only from one guy, but despite me telling him the fact that I’m not a supporter, and it’s just RP and shouldn’t be taken seriously, he still insisted on being a self-righteous d*ck, so blocked him to be rid of him.”

4. What is your ultimate goal on this site?

“I’m just here to make friends and engaging stories, and educate a bit about the more obscure historical figures from back then.”

5. So…Do you do ‘Fade to black’?

“No, I go all the way, so don’t instigate it if you aren’t going to go through with it too.”

6. Why do you refuse to RP with minors on here?

“It’s a account that takes place in a camp of death, gee, I wonder why?!….Smartass…”

7. What would you do if you met Adolf himself?

“Kick him in the balls as hard as possible, then, while he’s stunned, toss him into the oven where he will remain until cooked to death. Poetic justice with a sick twist...”

8. Anything else to add before we go?

“Yes, please remember your history! Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, let’s not repeat this particular part of history.”
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1 | Mar 5th 2022 03:52