
1. NO ONE-LINERS. Please write at least a paragraph. It's not that difficult if you put enough energy and creativity into it.

2. DO NOT CONTROL MY CHARACTER. Scarlett is for me to control, not you. Control your character, and I'll control mine.

3. NO GOD MODDING. Just no, please no.

4. DON'T KILL OF MY CHARACTER. It's uncool to do that. If you want to end the roleplay, tell me.

5. NO FURRIES. Honestly, Furries are just creepy as hell. If you are one, please don't add me.

6. NO ANIME. I don't like Anime roleplays.

7. NO SMUT. I don't want the site's admins to delete the account I put so much time and effort into creating. Plus, I'm terrible at writing smut. Sorry, not sorry.

8. I PREFER TO USE A SPECIFIC FORMAT FOR ROLEPLAYS. Meaning quotation marks around Dialog.

YES: "I am speaking." I am doing an action.
NO: I am speaking *does an action*

9: IF YOU SEND ME A REQUEST, PLEASE HAVE A ROLEPLAY IN MIND BEFORE WE ROLEPLAY. I like discussing roleplays, but if neither of us has an idea of what we want to do, there's no point.

10. I ONLY PLAY AS THE CHARACTER IN MY PROFILE! I don't usually play canon characters because I'm not good at portraying how canon characters act, so I prefer to play as my character.

11. YOU ADD YOU TALK. It's a simple thing.

12. JUST BECAUSE ROLEPLAY.ME SAYS I'M ONLINE DOESN'T MEAN I'M ONLINE. The site is always on my phone or tablet, so it might say I'm online even if I'm busy.

13. DON'T MAKE ME DO EVERYTHING. A good plot requires a discussion. I will unfriend you if you try to make me do everything. The same goes during the roleplay.

14. THIRD PERSON IS PREFERRED BUT NOT REQUIRED. I've primarily been roleplaying in the third person to increase my third-person writing abilities, but if you want to roleplay in the first person, I don't mind.

15. I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP IRL. I'm not looking for a relationship. I am a sucker for a romance roleplay, but because our characters are in a relationship does not mean WE are in a relationship.

More may be added as time goes on.

If you agree to my rules, please comment, "I agree with these rules." And sign your username.

Thank you!
Heart this
1 | Mar 4th 2022 16:42