Tim Headcanons

⨂ He drinks coffee or energy drinks but prefers coffee.

 ⨂ He likes the sound of the woods just something calming about it.

 ⨂ He misses everyone in a way even after everything even Alex from before the sickness got to him.

  ⨂ He sometimes goes to the shack when walking in the woods.

 ⨂ Mental Issues? Um duh.

 ⨂ He has a faded Operator scar on his back shoulder.

 ⨂He doesn't remember what Masky does but gets these flashbacks or something that reminds him of something masky did.

 ⨂ He usually is only at the mansion when he is Masky but sometimes is there when he Isn't but not for long though.

 ⨂ Jay at some point called his alter "Masky" and Tim just went with it because what else would he call it?

 ⨂ He got asthma *cough* slightly from smoking but also sickness.

 ⨂ Masky doesn't exactly try to stick to a pattern if he kills someone trying to avoid getting caught.

 ⨂ It's not hard to tell the difference between Tim and Masky for example their body languages are different from the other sometimes even the way they talk is different.

 ⨂ He gets migraines but sometimes when its bad it means Slender is near.

 ⨂ Masky can slightly sense where slender is.

 ⨂ He tries not to smoke much but with stress and other strong negative feelings it can be a challenge not to.

⨂ Tim tries to avoid violence Masky be a bit different about that though.

⨂ He sometimes blames himself for everything that happened or feels overwhelming guilt about it but distance himself from others when he is like this.
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0 | Feb 18th 2022 04:39