[ ♪ ] Dearest Diary

Or rather, “Diary”, I never had another diary to compare you to. “Dearest”? if anything you are “Dear”, I wonder why I did not write it as such beforehand?

Well either ways, A little birdie told me keeping a Diary would be helpful, though I’m counting this as journaling instead of a Diary,
I plan on writing down multiple things, From my favourite smells to the subjects I like the best, purely for the sake of occupying my time for a little while!

Well, I think we should start with something simple! Something really simple like…

☆ Drinks ☆

How do I start this? Might as well bullet point everything, right?

♥︎ My comfort drink is Warm Milk, mixed up with honey and pure sugar!

That looks ugly on paper, but really, Warm milk running down one's throat is the best feeling known to man ( along with having warm hands caressing both your cheeks! ), in my opinion of course.

♥︎ I have a strong liking for energy drinks, their strong taste mixed up with coffee on the mornings give me enough energy to stay up for hours!

A rather disgusting mixture for those not accostumed, I won't lie, but it is a delicacym an aqquired taste.

♥︎ I hate tea, Most of them that is but why would I drink leaf water when I can drink others?

And this is why I am not british.

♥︎ Up to when I were 8, I absolutely refused to drink soda,Father had told me Soda fills your stomach with bubbles, which eventually explode on your insides and well… I don’t think child me enjoyed Soda like other kids.

Well, I suppose the whole point of a Diary, rather, a Jornal is to explore my characteristics so… well, I might as well add in those bits and pieces of rainbow trauma in here!
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7 | Feb 11th 2022 02:36