
The next day, he indeed went to the brothel and met Tomiel. He has nothing to complain about, regarding his look, but he definitely needs some decent looking clothes. Their brothel isn't a free hostel for vagabonds, Tomiel will have to bring some money too, if he wants to stay.

Since he is in a good mood, he gives money to the prostitutes who were already hired and sends them to Shiirhuang, to do some wild shopping on his own expanse.
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2 | Feb 5th 2022 13:17
Kiorii «How bad can it be, anyway… people have sex all the time, for all sort of reasons.»
He preferred not to delve into the geometry of things, he doesn't consider himself so very gifted either.
«I think it can be arranged…» He can't step back, even if she wanted to have sex.
«What is this job you brag so much about? A job where people could consider to kill you for something.»
Yingxing "Powerful ones are also the richest. Change my mind, Zhou, Qiu, Yung...
They do, but in order to offer our services, they will need to take them off.
I did it before. It is not bad." It was as if she was SongYu's prostitute basically. "If you pretend and are loud, they feel more satisfied and powerful.
Fine then. Let us buy a lot of soju." It is the first time even for her with an almost stranger. She needs a bit of help.
Aventurine_ °Maybe it can be also good I am inexperienced too about that work.
I organize the missions, you know we receive segnalations of works to do and it seems I disappeared at some point and made one mission fail. But I have no idea of it because I was like another person.
Yeah but you said you don't even know Yung Shisui, you start a little weak.°
Kiorii «They like to think they are hurting you badly?» Maybe some.
«I can't drink alcohol, due to the medicines I take…»
«You were like another person? What do you mean? You had one of those spiritual journeys?»
Yingxing "No, that you are enjoying really a lot. It makes them think to be great, so do it with customers.
Really?" That's a big disappointment if they can't both be drunk in the process. "Alright..."