Celestia Boon

Name: Celestia (Celeste) Boon
Age: 22
Birthday: January 22nd
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Religion/Beliefs: Atheist
Astrology Sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: Pansexual

Father: Marcus Boon (deceased)
Mother: Daniella Boon (deceased)
Other family: An aunt and uncle
Siblings: None
Pets: An amazon parrot named Julian

Physical Features~
Height: 66 in / 167 cm
Weight: 96 lbs / 43 kg
Frame/Build: Ectomorph
Hair Length: Down to her hips
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Always kept down, sometimes braids it
Eye Shape: Almond
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Porcelain
Face Shape: Diamond
Voice: Very monotone and slightly deeper than average
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Both ear lobes
Scars: None
Other Notable Accessories: None

Good Qualities: Protective, honest, loyal, polite, attentive
Bad Qualities: Harsh, jaded, secretive, inhibited
Strengths: Intelligence, humility, modesty, emotional control, elegance
Weaknesses: Stoicism, social skills, overly honest
Habits: Zoning out, overworking herself, ignoring people, saying rude things without knowing they're rude
Phobias/Fears: Blood, darkness, failure
Loves: History, reading, sunlight, floral teas
Hates: Loud noises, the dark, people who talk too much
Other things to know: She's allergic to cats

Favorite Food: Chicken alfredo
Favorite Drink: Osmanthus tea
Favorite Sports: Not a sports fan
Favorite Music: Instrumental, indie
Favorite Color: Baby blue
Clothing Style: Button up shirts with large sweaters, long skirts or jeans
Hobbies: Reading, playing piano, crocheting, yoga
Role Models: None
Likes: Quiet, learning new things, warm weather, rain, birds
Dislikes: Rude people, slow walkers, arrogant people, loud environments

Bio: Celestia was born in Denmark. Her parents were from America, but moved to Denmark to expand her father's career. She was born to an incredibly rich family. Her father owned a large business that made millions every year. She grew up lavishly, but still stayed humble. She was taught how to live like a 'proper lady'. She was given lessons on table manners, social manners, you name it. She behaved her entire life as if she was a princess, but it was just how she had been taught to act. When she was 8 years old, there was an attack on her father's business building. A group ran in and gunned down the place. Her parents told her to run away and hide, so she ran and hid inside a cardboard box that was slightly filled with printer papers. She stayed inside the box for hours, barely making a sound. She heard police sirens nearby, and she peeked out of her box. There were dead bodies and blood everywhere, including her dead parents, their horrified eyes frozen towards the ceiling. The young Celeste fainted at the sight, completely traumatized. Celeste was an orphan now. She was handed over to her aunt and uncle, who lived in the USA, New York to be specific. Her father's business was handed over to the vice president of the company, and most of the money was given to Celeste. She was filthy rich at 8 years old, and she didn't even know it. She was devastated by her parent's deaths. She would cry and cry for hours. Her uncle was always super annoyed by it, and would physically abuse her if she ever got sad. Because of this, Celeste hardened up, she never showed emotion to anyone. Her stoic nature even made it difficult for her to process her own feelings.

Her uncle always tried to take the money from Celeste, use it to gamble and go out drinking. Though her uncle was horribly toxic, her aunt worked to continue what her parents were working on. She sent the young Celeste to a private school to continue her education. Everyone in the school was scared of her, or mocked her for how she behaved. She was always called a robot, since she never showed emotion.

Is this character available for romance? Yes.
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