The Vigilante

Name: Quin Brown
Age: 27
Height: 6'2
Weight: 174 IBs
Eye Color: Blind White
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Style: Short, Well Kempt, Combed
Voice: Soft, a bit Growly but Typical for a Male
P.O.B: Hell's Kitchen, New York
D.O.B: January 14th
Occupation: Lawyer, Vigilante
Class: Fighter
Sub-Class: Blind Fighter
Theme Song:

Short Bio: He was the opposite of what his biological parents wanted, a perfect child, but instead he was born blind. His biological parents dumped him right outside of an orphanage, where he was bullied for most of his childhood until the age of eight when a man approached him.. Pietro Smirnoff, a Russian Mad Scientist that had certain visions for Quin.

Quin thought his adoption would be the greatest thing to ever happen in his life, but he couldn't have been further from the truth. Pietro instantly started to perform terrible, horrifying and tortuous experiments on young Quin. He electrocuted him, beat him relentlessly, shoot him, modify his genetic code.. All this to prove one point, that a human can be much better off without their sight.

He was right, after all these experiments, Quin's senses were beyond heightened, to the point where he could sense anything over twelve miles away. But the torture didn't stop, that's when Pietro hired a secret organization of blind warriors, to train Quin to become his perfect project, the perfect blind soldier.

Quin suffered another five years of torture, this time it was the brutal training, he almost didn't make it through.. But he did.. He pulled through the torture and almost became the perfect, there was one thing that was preventing him.. His humanity. Quin was emotional, and brilliant, through this entire process of torture he studied law and got himself a lawyer degree, he was a dedicated Catholic .. and even worst, he made a rule to never kill.

Years passed, and Quin had heard some of the worst news, his adoptive father was killed in an organized assassination held by the Crime Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen. This pushed Quin past his hesitation to fight, and he became the vigilante to haunt the streets of Hell's Kitchen known as.. The Daredevil.

He fought crime for the next year, in the day as an amazing lawyer, putting away criminals for good and making sure they could never have a chance to leave his bars, and as Daredevil.. Doing what the police can't and protecting Hell's Kitchen from criminals...

But recently, Quin has found the name of the person who staged the hit on his father.. He hated his father, after all he put him through, but he was still his father, and he would avenge him.. He was going to go after him.. Wilson Fisk
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1 | Jan 23rd 2022 19:26