S E A R C H I N G: F E L I C A . H A R D Y

L O A D I N G . F I L E S . . .

L O A D I N G . . .

L O A D I N G . . .

F I L E S . L O C A T E D.

[Name:] Felicia Hardy
[Aliases:] The Black Cat
[Date of Birth:] July 2nd, 2000
[Age:] 19 (Varies depending on the roleplay)
[Gender:] Female
[Sexuality:] Bisexual
[Location:] Queens, New York
[Occupation:] Full-time student at Empire State University.

A C C E S S I N G . P H Y S I C A L . A P P E A R A N C E . . .

[Eye color:] Green
[Hair color:] Platinum Blonde
[Skin color:] Pale
[Height:] 5'1
[Scars:] Plenty scattered around, though she has a unique one on her left shoulder.
[Tattoos:] None
[Face-Claim:] Kat McNamara
Photo Album: www.roleplay.me/album/777149

A C C E S S I N G . K N O W N . H I S T O R Y . . .

[Father:] Walter Hardy
Status: ALIVE
Occupation: Former cat burglar

[Mother:] Lydia Hardy
Status: Deceased
Occupation: Unknown

[Sibling(s):] NONE

[Other relatives:] NONE

[Ex Boyfriend:] Ryan Hobbs
Status: Deceased { drunk driving accident }
Occupation: Unknown

❣ Works for the Maggia, a large criminal group.
❣ Formerly worked for Oscorp.
❣ Currently attending Empire State University.

A C C E S S I N G . P E R S O N A L . H I S T O R Y . . .

[Backstory:] Felicia Hardy's father, Walter Hardy, was a world-renowned cat burglar who, before his arrest, encouraged her to never settle for second best. In her freshman year of college, her boyfriend of the time, Ryan, took advantage of her at a party. Hating the idea of being a victim, she trained herself in various fighting styles and acrobatics in hopes of getting revenge on the man. Finally, after months of preparing, she set out for revenge, but before she could find him, Ryan was killed in a drunk driving accident. Furious that she was denied the chance for revenge, Hardy decided to utilize her new skills to follow in her father's footsteps.

The Maggia, a notorious criminal group, took an interest in Felicia's father's abilities and threatened to hurt Felicia if he didn't join them. Not long after, her father faked his death in order to try to protect her. Felicia decided to take up her father's previous career as a cat burglar, though she only stole from rich people whom she deemed "deserving," criminal groups, or the government.

Months later, Felicia ran into her father again who explained his reason for disappearing, only wanting to protect her. By this point, Felicia had made quite a name for herself and the Maggia no longer wanted her father. They wanted her instead. Walter Hardy's alias was eventually compromised and this gave the Maggia exactly what they needed to convince Felicia to work for them. Walter was then kidnapped by The Maggia and used as leverage against Felicia. Now, with Walter Hardy being held hostage, Felicia agreed to work for them if it meant sparing his life. Shortly after the agreement, they began experimenting on her with cat DNA, leading her to gain special abilities and become the Black Cat.

A C C E S S I N G . C R I M I N A L . F I L E S . . .

[Criminal record:] Cat Burglary (Though only as the Black Cat alias)
❣ Tychokinesis(Causes her enemies to experience bad luck)
❣ Claws (Retractable)
❣ Expert Thief
❣ Olympic Level Athlete
❣ Skilled Martial Artist

❣ Black Cat's Costume
❣ Retractable Claws
❣ Equilibrium Earrings
❣ Electromagnetic Contact Lenses
❣ Grappling Hook

[Danger level:] M E D I U M
Subject has not been known to kill, but has a history of inflicting injuries.

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E N D . O F . D A T A .
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6 | Jan 22nd 2022 17:17