
Name: Vorkath.
Age: 606.
Gender: Male.
Species: Demon.
Personality: Manipulative, wily, devious, and cunning. Can be flirty and friendly.
Biography: Unknown.
Likes: Tricking mortals into his deals and giving them their desires. But it has its price.
Height: 6’3.
Eye Color: Blue. Can change the white in his eyes to black.
Hair Color: Blonde.
True form: The head of a black goat, the top part is exposed skull. Has large canine fangs. Horns like elk. Tall and muscular. Black streaks run from his head down to his collarbone before fading down his stomach. Black claws at the ends of his fingers. The black is also in his fingers and streaks run up his arm to his elbow before starting to fade. Large black leathery wings with black spikes on the pointed areas like at the top corner, bottom corner and the middle edge. Intense blue eyes surrounded by dark emptiness. His feet are cloven hooves with sharp bone like knives on his ankles.
Other shapeshifting forms:
10’ Tall wolf with oversized canines. Can also be 3.7 feet at the shoulder and 8 feet long.
A solid black owl with only blackness where it’s eyes should be.
A crow with feathers as sharp as a knife.
Oversized black ram with dark red eyes.

Inspiration Song: youtu.be/2vHDXkO1-BY
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0 | Dec 29th 2021 14:58