Gabriel (Gabe) Lynn

Name: Gabriel (Gabe) Lynn
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Undisclosed or unknown…
Height: 5’10’’ (177.8 in cm)

Likes: reading, writing
Dislikes: people touching his things (especially his writings), people telling him what to do
Fears: not meeting other’s expectations
Occupation: Student (Tutor, HW commissions, etc)

Quick Personality: He tends to keep to himself and shows a somewhat cold but calm demeanor. Despite this, he’s quite popular when it comes to people looking for help or guidance. He has a bit of a temper when annoyances start stacking up, but manages to regain a cool head in the end. Some say his irritation is part of his charm, too. However, strong emotions tend to lead into irrationality, and there are no grey areas— the blacks and whites are intense, and dormant traits of possessiveness and control show boldly.

Quick Backstory: Because of his background, he his family and others have high expectations of him—especially as an only child. He’s been following the path to success laid out to him by his parents. Each of his parent’s own successions lead them to not be around for the majority of his childhood, and so he remains independent aside from some ‘allowance’ (which is a hefty amount), while he lives on his own.

(picture to be updated)
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2 | Dec 2nd 2021 00:14