Kohaku Tetsuya

This character is for more normal roleplays such as action, adventure, romance, and slice of life. I don't normally play these genres but if I do, this would likely be the character I use. He can fit in multiple settings with different backstories, but default is fantasy.

Name: Kohaku Tetsuya
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red messy hair reaching down to his shoulders.
Occupation: Dark knight, possesses dark magic and uses a greatsword.

Kohaku was raised in a middle-class family with his father working in the city guard. Most of his childhood was nothing out of the ordinary and his family lived a decently comfortable life. His father would occasionally tell stories of his adventures as part of the guard and through these stories, Kohaku began to gain a strong sense of justice and a desire to join his father in the city guard. When he approached his father about this, he happily began to train Kohaku how to fight with both his bare hands and the standard weapons the guards used. At age 17, Kohaku officially joined the guard and for the first few months, it was everything he thought it would be.

He worked at keeping the piece, stopping fights and dealing with local gangs. After those first few months though, Kohaku witnessed corruption within the ranks first hand. During a routine patrol, he witnessed two senior guards trying to use their authority to sexually assault a woman in the lower district of the city. He was enraged at the sight of the abuse of power and confronted the two guards. Reasoning with them went nowhere and after a brief argument, the senior guards threatened to report Kohaku for disobeying orders. Despite the threats, Kohaku still tried to take the two other officers into custody but a two on one fight against two more experienced fighters went poorly. After being beaten down, Kohaku watched as an unknown man cladded in dark armour intervened and took the two guards out.

The next day, Kohaku was charged by the other guards for disobedience and attacking a fellow officer but before he could formally be arrested, he escaped. Now dishonoured, he was forced to flee the city but not before seeking out the man who had intervened the night before. Upon finding the man, he asked to be trained by him, wanting to uphold his own justice without having to deal with corrupt leaders telling him what to do. That was when Kohaku learned of the Dark Knights, warriors who harnessed the dark magic of the void and used it to save others as a vigilante order. After a year of intense training on how to utilize the dark magic, Kohaku officially became a member of the dark knights and set off on his own to defend the defenceless while working as a bounty hunter to make money and support himself.
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2 | Nov 30th 2021 16:48