The Casino Owner

~ Flavour Text ~

The table is silent as the cluster of people concentrates on their game, but the dealer feels the hairs raise on the back of their neck at the faint sound of footsteps that cut through the chatter and music of the casino. The figure approached the table with a sly, devilish grin. "Evening lovelies~" He purred, taking a slow drag from a large cigar as he stood beside the dealer, after expelling smoke to one side he looked to the players with his piercing red eyes. "Who fancies upping the stakes?"

~ Bio ~

Name: Sirius
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Position: Top

~ Body information ~

( H = Human form / D = Demon form )
Height: H - 5'10" / D - 6'2"
Weight: Always the same weight, average
Body Shape: Well built, strong frame.
Impairments: None
Birthmarks/scars: Small scars litter his body. One massive one across his chest
Tattoos: A quill on his left wrist and a roll of parchment on his right.

~ Mental information ~

Personality traits: Sly, cunning, flirtatious, deceiving
If they like you: Will keep your soul tethered to them, or if they can't bring themselves to take it (as if) they'll always watch you... always.
If they hate you: Will crush your soul as soon as they rip it from your pathetic mortal corpse.
Impairments: Egotistical, Narcasistic, Mild Megalomaniac.
Habits: Smoking cigars, slipping in and out of demon form

~ Background ~

Its unknown how Sirius came to own the casino, it practically rose out of the ground overnight and quickly gained a large following. People are lured in by the low entry fees and high chances of winning. As he is a demon he has no reason to care about money... he can manifest as much as he desires when he needs it. The entire building is a trap to pull humans in with their desire for fortune, he then strokes their egos (much as he hates doing so) to make them overconfident in their winning streaks. Then... he offers the deal of a lifetime, the next roll for their entire fortune... he never fully details what he gets from the players if they fail and more often than not they are too blinded by their pride and greed to ask.

Most of the souls he takes he devours, such helps him remain youthful and powerful... but some he keeps around as slaves working in the casino while others are just for his entertainment.

Hunters and demons alike have tried to take him down, but none have succeeded thus far. One got close... but no cigar.

Sirius is so confident in his casino that he doesn't even use the full extent of his disguise, sometimes not using one at all. Humans merely assume he is eccentric and had surgery done to appear as he does.

~ Currently Active with ~

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2 | Sep 24th 2021 15:57