The Sideline Musician

~ Flavour Text ~
The dusty-blonde male sat quietly in class, while others paid attention to the lecture... he admittingly had a music theory journal hidden in the pages of his philosophy textbook.

[ Warning: Triggering Themes involving Mental/Physical abuse]

~ Bio ~

Name: Stanley Johstead
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bicurious
Position: Switch? Depends on roleplay

~ Body information ~

Height: 5'9''
Weight: Average
Body Shape: Lean, healthy build
Impairments: None
Birthmarks/scars: Two blotches on his ribcage,
Tattoos: At 18 got a tattoo over the birthmark to make it look like a musical note

~ Mental information ~

Personality traits: Very open individual around friends and those he trusts, only people he isn't open to is his parents. Creative musically, sometimes tries his hand at physical art but doesn't think its as good as his music
If they like you: He'll try his hardest to write you a song. Its the best way he knows to show how he cares.
If they hate you: Can tend to give the cold shoulder, not wanting to talk to those he dislikes.
Impairments: Very self-conscious, worried about messing up all the time. Anxious. Whenever visiting family is very down as he really doesn't like how his parents treat him.
Habits: Tapping his fingers rhythmically, humming when its too quiet.

~ Background ~

Ever since he could coordinate his hands properly, Stanley loved music. He tapped on smooth surfaces like they were drums, made fake instruments from empty loo-rolls and shoeboxes, even sang using hairbrushes as a microphone. Though with each attempt to sing out his souls delight, his parents swiftly corrected him. They are heavily religious people and think any music that isn't classical is wicked. They would go as far as beating their child or locking him away without dinner to try and get him to stop with the foul dreams he had.

When he turned 16, he snuck off with some older friends to go to a concert. He loved it... The music made him feel so alive and vibrant and everyone there was so free. He wished that night lasted forever... but alas, he soon had to face the horrors of his parent's wrath once they realized he was missing.
After the concert, he was going to stay at a friend's house, but found his parent's car down the street. They dragged him by the ear and exclaimed how disappointed they were. He doesn't remember much of that night... locking away the traumatic memory... He remembers waking up in the basement and his parents taking him to hospital, declaring he was delusional after being attacked at a concert.

When he turned 18, he moved out. Bitter that he couldn't move out of the city as his parents only gave him the money under the agreement that he'd live close by and visit often... Thus he bought a small apartment close to the university/college he desired to go to. While going to a course that would please his parents, he spends all the time he can trying to learn music. Though such is hard with the locked away traumas plaguing his mind...

~ Currently Active with ~

@Mister - After expressing how he wants to learn music to a close friend, she recommends going to her father to practise music between his classes. He is hesitant... though takes the advice.
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0 | Sep 19th 2021 14:09