~Atlas info!~

Name: Atlas Hatcher
Nickname: Doesn't have one
Age: 17-18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: On the happier side. He was super close to his brother, Noah. He got sad once he disappeared but he wasn't gonna lose hope.
Height: 5’9
Weight: N/A
Likes: Chocolate, his small friend group, roller skating.
Dislikes: People reminding him that his brother went missing, or even someone bringing it up. Being told what to do by people he doesn't know
Fears: That his brother is actually dead
Allergic: none
Backstory: Atlas woke up one morning to his brother missing and his parents in a panic. The bracelet he had made for Noah was on the side table. It looked as if Noah just ran away and it made him sad because he didn't know his brother felt that way. He spent years on top of years trying to find any sign that he was okay or that he was still in Ireland. He made a small friend group of two others who he met at a diner around 3 am when he was watching the news. His parents didn't like any talk of Noah after he was taken because they assumed he didn't want to be a part of the family. So all of Atlas's research was at the diner where he could hide it. The two friends, Digits and Scrubs, tried to convince him that its okay to admit Noah wasn't coming back, but after getting a huge negative reaction they tried to help him.
Extras: He is really good at graffiti. He usually has paint on his hands from his art. He had been doing it all since 11 at the latest

He plays with a butterfly knife, a real one. So he had scars on his hands from accidental hitting his hand on the blade or vise versa

He plays Piano. But he plays it very aggressively, his sheet music is very hard to read, but he understands it, and that what matters.
If you chose to have any powers/abilities: He and Noah, who are twins, were both born of pure magic! Atlas's powers come from the moon and Noah's, the sun. Atlas has more energy during the night and that also depends on the phase of the moon! Depending on the phase his eyes also glow, so a full moon they're the brightest, and the new moon they have a faint glow. He can't die but can get hurt and feel pain like normal. Well I'm sure he can die but not like a gunshot or anything
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1 | Jul 10th 2021 22:03