character (Main)

Birthday: December 10th
Race: dragon
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: single
Occupation: none

Mother's name: Unknown
Father's name: Unknown
Birthplace: Wales
Hometown: somewhere in australia
Education: technically none but still extremely smart

Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: none
Skin color: greenish brown
Height: 6'2 to 7'4 when antho and 52' in dragon form
Weight: 80kg in anthro and 8 tons in dragon form
Scars/birthmarks: none
General Appearance: menacing


Overall Personality: usually quite chill unless you are one of the poor buggers that woke him from his nap
Likes: Tea, movies, sleeping, reading and just being around others
Dislikes: disobedience, rudeness and people attempting to merc him
Fears: none
Pet peeves: none
Hobbies: reading and sleeping
Addictions: none
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12 | Jul 2nd 2021 06:25