Creepypasta OC

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Eris “Toxic” Lyle
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Real name: Eris Lyle
Proxy/creepypasta name: Toxic
Nickname(s): Eri
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Age: 19
Birthday: May 1st
Species: Half human, half demon
Slenderman, Zalgo, or none?: None
Proxy or Freeloader?: Freeloader
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Personality: Eris is a manipulative, stealthy killer who would say or do anything to get where she wants to go. When it comes to killing, she’s cold and persistent. She’s more kind towards animals than she is towards people. You’d have to be very convincing for her to like you. When she opens up, she’s clingy and won’t leave your side. She’ll protect you at any cost. She tends to act flirty when trying to lure her victims away.
Good traits: Intelligent, cunning, stealthy
Bad traits: Manipulative, impulsive, malicious
Likes: Chemistry, poisons, animals, being outside or in the woods
Dislikes: Large groups of people, distractions, people flirting with her
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Skills: Her intelligence, knowledge of poisons, and she can mask her intentions and know what others want to hear.
Weapons: Syringes and her fangs
Powers: The toxic gas her lungs produce
Weakness: She’s very impulsive which results in her being seen, she doesn’t want to leave until she knows she’s finished the job, can’t keep her mouth shut, and purposefully makes herself stick out in a crowd.
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Height: 5’6”
Weight: 145lbs
Clothes: Black shirt with a bright green hazard symbol on it, black pants, black shoes.
Accessories: Black and green gas mask that covers from the nose down, black choker, some black and green necklaces
Notable details: Left ear pierced, septum pierced, green slime looking tattoos on her face
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Backstory: Her parents were cultists, and she found out when she was 13. Her parents loved her with all their hearts, but according to the cult’s rules, Eris had to be sacrificed. She was murdered as a child and was eventually brought back by the demon she was sacrificed to. Her parents were overjoyed to hear their daughter was alive, but Eris was so filled with hate and betrayal that she murdered her parents. Once she was calm enough to see what she had done, she broke down and continued killing. She has siblings, but she’s never met them. They were either sacrificed or they escaped. Her parents named all of their children after gods.
RP sample: The leaves crunched beneath Eris’s feet as she walked down an empty sidewalk. The crisp, autumn air that night kept her alert. She pulled her mask down and took a deep breath, smiling to herself. Feeling the cool air in her lungs reminded her that she was alive, and it kept her calm and collected. She stopped walking when she heard footsteps behind her. “Oh? Am I being followed?” she questioned to no one in particular. She turned around and grinned at her new victim. “I see...come here darling, I can help you…”
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You can ignore this part if you want
Theme song: The Devil’s In The Details by Get Scared
Voice claim: Merlin (English dub) from Seven Deadly Sins
Hobbies: She likes mixing chemicals to create new poisons, and she gardens. She grows toxic/poisonous plants to make her lethal poisons.
Habits/quirks: She gets excited around animals. It’s like all of her malice just disappears.
Fears/phobias: She’s terrified of being abandoned by people she’s close with.
Secrets: She doesn’t really want to be a killer, but it’s the only thing keeping her alive. If she doesn’t continue sacrificing people, the demon that brought her back will drag her back and claim her soul.
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Any additional information?: She wanted to grow up to become a singer. Her parents always told her she had a nice voice. After everything that happened, she hasn’t sung since.
Heart this
2 | Jun 23rd 2021 23:13