
@ALIVE- Simon immediately just turns in a bright blue blushy wreck. Simp.

Simon loves Markus a lot. He will do anything for him. That is not an exaggeration.

@succulent- "Ralph is honestly so sweet. I have a lot of respect for him."

Respects Ralph for being so damaged but still so upbeat.

@GINGERSNAP- "Emma? Oh! She's really sweet!"

Simon really likes Emma, she's helped him and he's helped her. He thinks she's a very great friend.

@RK800 (alt)- "Connor...I'm still a little iffy with him...I'm not sure I trust fully him quite yet..."

Connor's work with the DPD is a bit off-putting for Simon. He still has his doubts about Connor's loyalty to the deviant cause.

@holograph- "He constantly feels the need to bring up my past and he uses me as a test subject of sorts before he does anything to his other androids, I really don't like him."

He hesitates to use the word 'hate' to describe his feelings to Holo, but really does hate the being.
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0 | May 25th 2021 13:16