Sheamus O'Reilly

Name: Sheamus
Nickname(s): Shea
Surname: O'Reilly (Josephs little bro)
Age:5-9 (depends)
Race: Human
Height: 3'9- 4'6
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Occupation: School?
Likes: Playing with friends, making a mess, being paid attention to, being given gifts
Dislikes: not getting his own way, chores, school, being alone
Personality: clingy, childish
Mood swings: childish-angwy
Apperance: jeans, t-shirts, shades, flat cap with light blonde hair
Speaks: english, learns slight Gaelic
Accent: strong irish (dublin)
Tone: stubborn, needy
Frazes: None
Family bond: 'happy family' i guess
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0 | Apr 24th 2021 04:30