Lady Feonis Aerya - Fantasy OC

Title: Lady—nobleman’s daughter
Full Name: Feonis Aerya
Gender: Female-straight
Age: 18
Height: 5’3
Weight: 140lbs

Overall Appearance:

Long, natural golden-blond hair, dark blue eyes, and slim figured, although muscular from years of combat. She typically wears fitted brown leather pants, and either a red or dark blue jerkin-tunic over a thigh-length underdress, with a belt that holds her sword, multiple daggers and other weapons strapped around her waist. Off-white half sleeves come slightly past her elbow, and are met by metal reinforced leather arm guards, which extend to the wrist. Black leather boots, and a silver circlet with a simple design of red and blue stones mark her as a noble. Light, steel-edged leather armor, and a dark, gray-black cloak.


Born into the large family of a lady and a lord, with five brothers and two sisters. Since she was little, she trailed after her brothers, doing what they did and learning what they learned. At the age of seven, she slipped away from her tutor and followed her older brother, Terrin, to his swordsmanship training, where she watched from a distance. Fascinated, when the lesson was over, she convinced him to teach her what he had learned.
Under the knowledge that she was supposed to be doing other things, Terrin taught her in secret, out of sight in a small clearing. This process went on until she was roughly fourteen. On that fateful day, her father found them in the middle of a sparring session, and waited to make his presence known until after. She was a natural with a sword; skilled, quick, and light on her feet, she used her small stature to her advantage, outmaneuvering her larger opponent, Terrin. That innate skill, paired with her unpredictable fighting style, persuaded her father to allow her training to proceed, this time with an official instructor. Provided she no longer skipped out on her tutoring sessions.

At the age of 16 she completed her training, and, as a gift, her surrogate uncle, a man named Gerald, gave her a spell-imbued sword that never dulled, and could cut through most things with relative ease. Her time is spent seeking out adventure, trouble, and monsters with which to test her skills. In the process she has made many enemies and companions of unlikely origin.


Spunky, tough, intelligent, witty. She has a fiery temper that she typically manages to keep under control, but can be raised by touching on certain subjects. Light hearted, sarcastic, hyperactive and fond of sparring with friends, she has an reputation for teasing and pranking her comrades. She can be deadly serious when needed, and you don’t want to see her upset.
She has two modes - hyper, and exhausted. Otherwise she is asleep. There is nothing in between.

Swordfighting/most types of combat, seemingly endless energy, intelligent, resourceful and clever.
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3 | Apr 22nd 2021 18:46