The Complex Killer

~ Flavour Text ~

The president was murdered in a corporate building off the side of ▇▇▇▇▇ this morning. There was limited witness' to the case, Miss ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇
mentioned seeing a short female with dirty blonde hair enter the room he was in before gunshots rang through the building. Despite there being only one entrance and exit to the room, this suspect in question was not seen after that sighting.

~ Bio ~

Name: [Subject] Sierra
Age: 18-25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Position: Unknown

~ Body information ~

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 116lbs
Body Shape: Average
Impairments: None
Birthmarks/Scars: Many across the whole body
Tattoos: Barcode at the back of her neck with [Subject] beneath

~ Mental information ~

Personality traits: Cruel, Masochistic, Sadistic, Cold, Unforgiving.
If they like you: She'll end it quickly...
If they hate you: She'll ensure every fibre of your being burns...
Impairments: God Complex, Megalomaniac, possible ADHD
Habits: Messing with watches/clocks, can't sit still, tapping fingers

~ Background ~

It's unknown if her parents gave her up by choice... but moments after she was born she was taken to the government facility to be raised there. She was given minimal contact with humans from an early age in order to dissociate her from people. She was merely given some educational toys and videos to entertain and teach her. Robotics would feed her at specific points in the days.

When she was able to walk and talk with relative ease she was moved to a large glass cylinder with more advanced toys and a bed. True training was initiated from there onwards. This even included drills of being attacked by one or more assailants. By the time she was 14 she was a living weapon capable of ending human life using anything to hand...

She is used in delicate situations where no one would suspect a sweet girl to force a man to choke on his own blood...

~ Currently Active with ~

None Currently
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