Bonnie Bennett

Name: Bonnie Shiela Bennett

Nick Name: Bon Bon

Birthday:February 3rd 1992




Hair Color: Brown/Black

Eye Color: Green

Species:Witch (Human)

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship Status:Single

Quotes: You made me realize that I had all the magic I ever needed right inside me. Now, give me a little luck.

“You’ll have to try harder to beat a Bennett witch”

“Town witch”

“It’s not bourbon, it’s tea”

Backstory: Bonnie Sheila Bennett is a very powerful witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries. While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is a feisty, yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. She is best friends with Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Damon Salvatore, and her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy Gilbert and has known most of them since childhood. She is also close friends with Stefan Salvatore and Tyler Lockwood. Bonnie was in a romantic relationship with Lorenzo St. John before his death.

Bonnie is noted for having many heroine tendencies, such as being very compassionate, empathetic, helpful, and very selfless (to the point of martyrdom). Bonnie is repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her family and friends without any hesitation. As her powers grew, she's stepped up at every opportunity to protect her friends, even if it meant trading her life in the process. Her spell-casting abilities most definitely came in handy when the Originals came to Mystic Falls. Gaining the power of Expression, she was able to take down two Original vampires, as well as the very first immortal, Silas. Despite the warnings from her Grams, she combined spirit, Expression, and dark magic to resurrect Jeremy back from the dead. While successful, it was too much for her and the spell killed her in the process.

Theme Song:N/A

Face Claim:Kat Graham
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3 | Apr 19th 2021 19:20
RecklessRoyalty YAY!!!! You can have her ;)
RecklessRoyalty Klaus!
RecklessRoyalty YAY!!!!!
RecklessRoyalty I love them!