My oc Amelia (Amy) Jefferson. (Creepypasta oc)

Name: Amelia Belle Jefferson.

Nicknames: Amy, Ames, AJ.

Alias: Shade Colby.

Age: 15 - 28 (depending on rp).

Gender: Female.

Species: Human/Proxy.

Ethnicity: American, Italian.

Sexuality: Straight.

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 195 lbs.

Build: Petite/Curvy/Short.

Appearance: Amy's appearance depends on what timeline she's in. Her appearance varies from ages 15 - 28. 

Amy age 15 - 18: At this age, Amy has long pale blonde hair with baby blue highlights, and bangs that cover her eyebrows. She has a heart-shaped face and almond-shaped eyes. Her skin is a soft pale color, with a bit of a peachy glow. Amy's eyes are a bright crystal blue that glisten like diamonds in the sun or moonlight. She is often seen wearing a dark blue hoodie over various band tees, blue jeans, and converse shoes with blue laces.

Amy age 22 - 25: At this age, Amy hasn't changed too much. But her hair is shorter, cut just above her shoulders. She's grown and it shows in her face that she's been through some trauma. She is often seen wearing a black leather jacket over different blouses, blue jeans, and knee-high black heeled boots. 

Amy age 28 (Shade Colby): At this age, Amy has made a HUGE change, becoming someone entirely different from who she once was. Shade Colby. As Shade, she has long chocolate brown hair and wears glasses. She is seen wearing black long sleeve shirts, turtleneck sweaters, tank tops, and blouses. She wears blue, gray, or black jeans and black knee high heeled boots. Shade is also seen wearing a gray bulletproof vest with the acronym, abbreviation for The Anti Proxy Association, or T.A.P.A for short. 

Personality: Just like with her appearance, Amy's personality changes with her age timeline. Depending on what she's been through, her personality varies.

Age 15 - 18: At this age, Amy is a very optimistic girl with a good head on her shoulders. She is very kind, polite, and compassionate. She is a very friendly individual and enjoys helping others. She makes friends easily and loves to draw and paint. On the flip side, Amy can be reclusive, miserable, and at times suicidal.

Age 22 - 25: At this age, Amy is very driven and highly intelligent. She chooses to depend on herself above all else, and she tends to dwell on memories of the past. She wants to escape her situation and where she is in life. She hates being trapped in this seemingly never-ending cycle of depression, stress, and anxiety.

Age 28: At this age, as Shade Colby, Amy is a very independent woman, which seems to be intimidating towards those who try to go against her. She likes giving orders, but doesn't take them too well. She's sarcastic and can be a bit foreboding when it comes to losing people she cares about. When she's angry, she tends to ignore the person she's angry at. Shade/Amy can be cold and reclusive at this age. She's passed all of the bullsh*t from her past and has decided to move on with her life.

Parents: Gregory Jefferson (deceased, depending on timeline) Amelia Fiona Jefferson (deceased after giving birth to Amy).

Siblings: Alexia Jefferson (deceased, depending on timeline) David Jefferson (deceased, killed by their father in a drunken rage).

Best Friends: Jasmine Jones (Jazzy, best friend since childhood), Jeffrey (Jeff The Killer), and Lucifer Maverick (Homicidal Liu)- (friends since late middle school, though she fell in love with both at one point or another. Ultimately, she ended up with Liu). 

Love Interest: Jeff The Killer, Homicidal Liu. 

Enemies: Depending on the timeline Amy can be enemies with The proxies of Slenderman/Zalgo, The bullies at her school, or T.A.P.A. after she learns the truth about the organization.

Backstory: Amelia Belle Jefferson was born four years after her older brother DJ. She was born on July 18th, to Gregory and Amelia Jefferson. Named after her mother when she was born, unfortunately, her mother didn't live through the birth. This was hard for Amy's father to digest. Over the years he started to drink to numb his suffering. When Amy was eight years old she messed up dinner and Gregory got furious, being drunk he went after her and her brother protected her. He didn't live that night, as he was killed by Gregory in a drunken rage. They moved from Minnesota to Rosswood Wisconsin around this time. She met Jasmine Jones and they instantly became best friends. After a while, Jazzy started to take notice of Amy acting strangely; covering her wrists, wearing extra clothing… etc. This is when she learned about the abuse Amy was going through with her father. She had tried to go to the authorities a few times but they never believed her, as Gregory was great at getting out of trouble. The abuse only got worse as she got into middle school, mainly because she was being abused at home and school. In the 7th grade, Amy started dating a guy named Randall Harrison (Randy) and he would mentally and emotionally abuse her. Amy started cutting her wrists as an emotional outlet for all of the abuse. It wasn't healthy, and Gregory wouldn't allow her to see a therapist for fear that he would get thrown behind bars. Amy dealt with things on her own even though Jazzy wanted to help. But things changed when two boys moved to Rosswood and started going to Emerson Middle School with her. The family that moved in across the way from her was a family of four. Ian and Vivian Maverick as well as their two sons, Liu and Jeff. Amy wasn't allowed to go outside after school, so she met the boys on her way to school. They would talk at school, and the boys would walk her home. They found it odd that she would stay inside all the time. It wasn't until their Sophomore year of high school when Jeff and Liu found out about the abuse Amy went through daily. This is also when Amy started dating Liu, despite Jeff expressing his feeling for Amy, and Randy was furious. Around this time Jeff was hanging around Randy's step-sister Hailey Bryce and he became the target of Randy's rage. In December of that year at Hailey's birthday party, Randy and his friends, Gage and Axel gave Jeff a facial he'd never forget. This is when Amy's life began to spiral out of control. Jeff went insane and butchered both Gage and Axel. He attacked a few others at the party and ran after Hailey. While he was gone, Amy untied Liu, who had been tied to a chair by Randy as "punishment" for dating Amy. They both ran home to tell Jeff's parents about what happened, but it was already too late, Jeff had murdered his parents in cold blood and left without a trace. Liu kept Amy calm and confronted her father with her while she packed some things. He and Gregory got into a fistfight before Liu grabbed Amy and they ran. They both spent a few years on the run until Liu made a deal with a monster. Zalgo. The devilish man told Liu to become his proxy, and he would protect him and Amy. For years Amy watched as her lover slowly became a monster himself. Liu developed a secondary personality named "Sully" and became abusive towards Amy. When he would become himself again he apologized and even married her to keep her with him. But after a few more years of this torture, Amy couldn't take it anymore. Liu and Sully had become indistinguishable from the other. Amy left and faked her death to get away from her monstrous husband(s). From there she was recruited by Spencer Prescott, commander of T.A.P.A., or The Anti Proxy Association. This was her way out and away from Liu for good. From there on, Amy was now known as Shade Colby. She still has nightmares about her past, but she pushes forward, hoping that it will all disappear one day.
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0 | Mar 18th 2021 09:26