My oc Bennett Hawthorne (Supernatural oc)

Name: Bennett Lucille Hawthorne

Age: 18 - 28

Gender: Female.

Ethnicity: Irish, American.

Species: Human/Werewolf.

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Build: Average female/semi curvy.

Appearance: Bennett has long shoulder length blood red hair, honey brown eyes, pale skin with a healthy glow. She wears a lot of plaids, denims and spandex. She wears her leather jacket almost all the time, as well as her heeled boots. 

Personality: Bennett is a very driven person. She is highly intelligent, and chooses not to be a Martyr. Though she has a slight hero complex, she protects all innocent people. But she won't hesitate to shoot someone if she needs to. She is a very independent woman, which seems to be intimidating towards those who try to go against her. She likes giving orders, but doesn't take them too well. She's sarcastic and can be a bit foreboding when it comes to losing people she cares about. When she's angry, she tends to ignore the person she's angry at. When she's in love, she won't show it at first, but will make it obvious.

Abilities: As a hunter, Bennett is very resourceful. She makes her own weapons, and trains with them as much as possible. Though she has to use gloves when working around silver. As a werewolf, she doesn't have much control, but she is aware that she can harm people, she tries her best not to change, by drinking a potion every morning before the full moon.

Weaknesses: Silver, Wolvesbane, and other usual human weaknesses.

Bio: Bennett was born in Sioux Falls, on September 22nd, on the Autumnal Equinox. Her mother Annabelle Singer was a normal woman, but died giving birth to her. Her father, Parker raised her until he was killed by a pack of werewolves when she was 7 years old. And unfortunately one wolf got a hold of Bennett, biting her. Bobby, her uncle took her in and taught her how to fight monsters, as well as teaching her basic things. And in the process, she picked up on some of his mannerisms, and attitude. She left when she was 18 and started hunting exclusively. As far as her werewolf side, she figured out a way around that. Bennett knew Sam Winchester briefly from Stanford, when they went to college together. She was one of Jessica's many friends.
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