The Sorcerer.

Name: Thoven Milner
Age: 23
Race; Aasmair
Height 6'1
Weight: 122
Eye Color: Blind White
Hair Color: Silver
Hair Style: Messy
Occupation: Adventurer.
D.O.B: April 9th
P.O.B: Windrest
Class: Sorcerer
Sorcerous Origin: Divine Magic
Theme Song:
Short Bio: Thoven Milner was born as a Sorcerer due to his Divine Magic background, a gift to Earth from the Gods you might say. However being a Divine Child he wasn't that lucky to get a pleasant life. His family grew up in very bad state poverty, not making anymore than fifty gold pieces their entire life. Bullied a lot as a child due to being born with magic, yet he never complained about it once. Even though his life was sh*tty, he was fine with it.. until that night happened when he was nineteen.

Thoven overheard his family talking about rebellion and overthrowing the Empire. And his teacher at the Solstice Academy who was overly loyal to the Empire, and even put crystals inside Thoven's arms to make him stronger for the empire, told him what needed to be done. So Thoven locked his parents inside his home and set the house on fire. After seeing his parents burn to death, a part of him broke and he went insane.

Thoven spent a [REDACTED] amount of years inside a mental asylum where both his professor and the guards at the asylum would torture him. The guards would whip him and his professor permanently blinded him. But on his final year in that asylum a woman came up to him inside his cell. She touched his head and cleared away his insanity. And she also revealed the fact that his professor manipulated his memory into making him hear that his parents were talking about rebellion. So in reality.. His parents were innocent.. And he killed them for no reason. That's when Thoven finally found the strength to break out of the asylum and run far far away.

Ever since that night, Thoven has been incredibly traumatized. The sight of fire causes him to suffer with a PTSD episode and he will grow silent for the rest of the day. Thoven has tried his best to take his mind of that night, going on adventures, saving people. But.. That is a wound time might not be able to heal.. And he will have to live with it. But now Thoven has to live the rest of his life with a blindfold covering his eyes, and bandages wrapped around his arms to hide the crystals from everyone else. He now roams the world in search for his master that took everything away from him.. To finally get revenge
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3 | Feb 28th 2021 16:16