Calix (handsome)
Eindride (one who walks alone)

Birthday: July 27th, 1996
Birth Flower: sunflower
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him

Zodiac: Leo
Likes - His reptiles, Spicy food, solitude, Domi, and warm weather, nice textures.. domi.
Dislikes - crowded areas, supernaturals, people who talk too much, bright colors, his dad

Sexuality Preference: Bisexual/Demiromantic.

Birthplace: Sparta, Greece

Did they live there for long? no.
What are their thoughts on the place? No memory
Current Location: Seoul, South Korea.

Species: half-dragon, demigod. Yes, Ares mated with a dragon. who is surprised.

Abilities - Fire manipulation, mild foresight, internal metal detector for valuables

First time using abilities: In preschool, he burned down a wooden block house.

Languages spoken: Greek, Latin, Korean, English, and French

Full time - A sword fighting instructor.



Facial Structure: defined, angular, smooth
Body Stucture: Lean muscular, with lines of strength in his back and arms.
Weight: 185 lbs
Height: 5'11"

Posture: rod straight

Hair: Straight and "feathery"
naturally black.

Natural: Icy blue
wears contacts that make them a slightly burgundy brown to cancel out the blue.

Markings: A white, almost scar-like spear on his lower back.

Tattoos: None yet
Piercings: 3 on each ear, a tongue bar.

Scent: Woodsmoke and pepper, with a bit of orange-y scent in the undertones.


<<Personality traits>>

Positive attributes: driven, compassionate, sharp-minded, protective, sweet, intuitive, observant,

negative attributes - stubborn, possessive, hot tempered, a bit arrogant, selfish, impulsive, doesnt grasp the concept of "consequences", reclusive, extreme in his moods.

Good habits- cleaning his pet's cages every week, listens rather than speaks, tends to be blunt

Bad habits - eats either very little or too much, doesnt make friends easy, blames himself for anything he can, pulls hairs out one by one when he gets stressed and calls it "molting"

Introvert or Extrovert ? Introvert
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Pessimistic
Humorous or unamused? Humorous
Courageous or Awkward? both
Logical or Emotional? Both
Passive or Aggressive: Aggressive
Quick or Slow: Quick

Hobbies: Swordfighting, blacksmithing, woodworking, dancing, makeup, writing, martial arts, animal rescue-ing, singing (only to himself), woodburning, welding, pyrokinetics, metalworking, jewlery making, boxing, racing, a fair amount of cooking

Favorites :
Season - summer
Animal - reptiles
Weather- hot
Flower - Lilacs
Music - depends on the mood/ the type to have 500 playlists
Snack - spicy noodles/ cinnamon candies
Drink -
alcoholic: vodka
non alcoholic: The red version of red bull.
Scent - floral

Fears: Being forced into anything, becoming attracted to someone, spiders, rodents

Petpeeves: people who impulse buy animals, the sound of loud electronics, people who are nosy, too much artificial light.

Religion - Polytheists

Blood type: A
way of speaking: speaks in lowercase, even quieter when angry. If he is irritated it is clear and sharp, but when he is calm it is more soft around the edges, like he doesnt want anyone to hear what he has to say.
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3 | Feb 7th 2021 02:05