
Name: Sakura Hu
Prince name: Takumi °Sea that breaks earth°
When he first met Lani they were just kids but he certainly felt something for him, maybe they weren't so different. He cannot say he grew uo badly, he was in strict contact with the emperors but hewas of family. He wasn't scared of them. He liked to stay with his family but staying with cold people made him become a little cold too.

His life was well before to get sick at the age of 5, no doctor there was able to cure him so as a last hope at the age of 18 he decided to go into the past to find more alive doctors at least... The day when he met Lani, yeah they were kids but he was able to heal him a little? To make it short he created his own illness without knowing it and since it is in his mind and he liked to pass time with Lani it disappeared because he was distracted by something else. Münchausen syndrome that makes the patient hurt himself or think to have some illness that causes real pain also if it fake. It is a mental illness caused by personalities disturbs or narcism or child trauma or antisocial disturb. Not so strange for a kid that was born in a world like that. People with illness tells fake syntomphs for the most or tells them in a really vague way that is why no doctor was able to say what is the problem exactly.

Age: 18
Knight: Virtues and life
Wears a mask to cover his face not to "infect" anyone.

He just arrived in the past and remains totally shocked, so much people, the air is so different. He remains so shocked that he falls on his knees with hands on his ears, a totally shocked look.
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1 | Jan 26th 2021 08:05
Kanon He looks at Lani as he asks, °I am here because I am sick. Doctors have no clue about what I have. But I feel bad. Totally bad.
I traveled here to find you Lani, mean you I already feel better.
Yeah but I am a male, that is why my prince name is Takumi.°
LaNii "In any case, for now it's not possible for us to move elsewhere, so you will have to resist. Maybe once I'll he a full IA..." Because they will never accept their family's help, nor move to one of the tens of free manors belonging to their families.
"It is impossible that he is here..."
He is still stunned by the fact he is there. "You are sick? You don't... have it, right?" The plague, he means.
"You came back in time to find me? So that I could heal you...?"
Coconut "It is a luck you came across the best doctor in Nortrig."
She doesn't know how to interpret Saku's words but she is definitely a WuNi shipper.
"Indeed it is alright. I don't want to move. Our house is so pretty too. And we have Shiinden..."
Kanon °I have nothing doctors can explain not anything usual. Everyone dying of plague and I have everything and nothing.
Yeah that period with you, I felt better in that moment.
It is my luck that I came across the person I was looking for.°
LaNii He won't pretend to be humble about being the best doctor. "indeed, he was quite lucky." Also considering he is exactly who he was looking for.
"Ne, Shiinden definitely has enough space for everyone."
He raises a brow. "Everything and nothing?" He wonders if he is like Mr Burns, who has every disease and they are too tight to take action.
"The period with me...?"