Matthew Thomas

First name: Matthew
Last name: Thomas
Nicknames: Matt, Mattie, Tom
Date of birth: 5/23
Age: Depends on the rp scenario
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, female lean

Physical / Appearance

Height: 6'3
Weight:175 lbs
Build: Athletic, has muscle definition
Hair colour: Brown
Hair style: Messy, not too long but not too short
Eye colour: Light brown
Prominent facial feature: His smile (smirk is more like it)
Tattoos?: So far just one on the top of his right hand, but he plans on getting more
Physical handicaps: None
Type of clothes: Usually neutrals (heavily leans towards wearing dark browns), somewhat baggy but not too much
Ethnicity: White
Mannerisms: He likes switching which rings are on which fingers quite often
Are they in good health: Yes
Do they have any disabilities: No


What words or phrases do they overuse: "Bro..." "Really?!" "F*** this sh*t..."
Do they have a catchphrase: No
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Realistic
Are they introverted or extroverted: He's an ambivert
What bad habits do they have: Getting high at the worst times, partying as often as he can
What makes them laugh out loud: Teasing people
How do they display affection: Physical
How do they want to be seen by others: Popular, cool, mysterious
How do they see themselves: Chill, impulsive, mean, cool
Strongest character trait: Confidence
Weakest character trait: Empathy
How competitive are they: Depends on the situation
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider: Snap judgements
How do they react to praise: Positively
How do they react to criticism: Negatively. He hates being judged
What is their greatest fear: Losing control, being replaced
What is their philosophy of life: "Who the f*** cares? We're all dying one day anyway. Might as well have some fun.."
What will they stand up for: Himself and pretty much only himself
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy: Indoorsy
What is their sinful little habit: Smoking instead of dealing with his emotions
How do they treat people better than them: Not too respectfully. He's always passive aggressive with them or at least sarcastic
How do they treat people worse than them: Horribly. To him, anyone worse than him is garbage
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: He thinks he's perfect as is
What is their obsession: Playing guitar
What are their pet peeves: Being bossed around, being told he can't have something, loud chewing, loud people, annoying people, seeing people he hates happy

Friends and Family

Is their family big or small: Small
What is their perception of family: Irrelevant
Do they have siblings: No
Describe their best friend: Honest, funny, the only person who has been around him so long
Ideal best friend: Loyal, funny, relatable, someone he can open up to
Do they have any pets: No

Past and Future
Did they grow up rich or poor: Middle class
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected: Neglected for the most part, but he made the most of it
What is their best childhood memory: Not being home
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend: None


Do they believe in love at first sight: Not really, but maybe he can be persuaded
How do they behave in a relationship: He hates relationships and hasn't been in one long enough to know what he's like in one but he is very possessive
What sort of sex do they have: Depends on his partner to be honest
Dominant or submissive: Switch
Has your character ever been in love: No
Have they ever had their heart broken: No


How do they respond to a threat: He's usually ready to fight
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue: Fists
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be: His guitar or his money
What are their phobias: None
What is their choice of weapon: Knives probably
Have they ever been bullied or teased: No and anyone who tries is usually made to regret it
Where do they go when they’re angry: Usually just hurts whoever made him mad and then goes about his day

Education and Hobbies

What are their hobbies: Getting drunk, getting high, partying, hooking up
Do they have a natural talent for something: Music
Do they play a sport? Are they any good: He used to play soccer but now he just works out at the gym

What is their favourite animal: Lemurs
Which animal do they dislike the most: Chipmunks
What is their favourite song: Polly by Nirvana
Music, art, reading preferred: Music
What is their favourite colour: Dark brown
Favourite food: Grilled cheese sandwich


Do they believe in the afterlife: Not really
What are their religious views: Atheist
Are they superstitious: He used to be
How would they like to die: In a cool way

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13 | Jan 5th 2021 17:45