Group Rp Idea

Gods/goddess and kids of them going to school the gods/goddess are teachers and the students are kinda like dimi-gods sons and daughters of the gods and goddess sum up you can be the son or daughter of the gods and goddess going to school.
this is the intro:
Way back when in the old times of the bible in the end of book of revelations when god and Satan were fighting for the control of the earth. god had decided to leave earth to Satan. when this happened Satan was deciding what to do with the earth and so he asked his children and one wanted a high school so she could try life as a high school student. So he built a school and filled it with various gods and demigods of different histories and put them all in* slight pause* FIRELATH
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1 | Dec 13th 2020 00:49
alakazamlover4 both sound really interesting
sErAsViCtOrIa My discord is in my bio
alakazamlover4 i'll shoot you a FR when i remember