Jia Claudia “JC” Yū

。・°°・The Basics!・°°・。

Name: Jia Claudia Yū
Nicknames: JC, Jiji, Dia
Race: Human
Date of Birth: June 12th
Family + Pets : Her grandma, grandpa and her twin sister, Xia Clarissa.

。・°°・Physical Description! ・°°・。

JC stands rather short at about 5’ 2”, her hair usually a dirty brown but she decided to dye it a nice, platinum blond for her birthday. Her eyes are a light lavender color and her skin is rather pale. She doesn’t have any scars on her body despite being a bit of a klutz. Usually can be found dressing in soft pastel colors that are loose, such as in the picture below. She’s not very athletic, so she has a bit of a small and thin build compared to her sister.

。・°°・Personality! ・°°・。

Claudia is pretty much a very mellow, relaxed person, known for her languid attitude about practically everything. Although good when hanging out with friends, it’s not so good when it comes to dealing with class work or when someone asks her to get at least somewhat serious. She also has the gift and the curse of being indifferent about everything. Although many people stack her up to be quite the lazy genius, she simply passes off these remarks within a flash, as if they were never occurring in the first place. When in a bad mood, she becomes a bit snappy at people and develops a sarcastic attitude, leading to her getting into fights sometimes with people who already don’t like the way she acts on a regular basis. She’s known to be the worse half of the twins, her sister Clarissa known around town to be much more bright and sweet towards people compared to Claudia. She passes this off as well, but every once in a while it’ll get to her. She doesn’t like the idea of being referred to as second best. Jia guards her emotions carefully as well, so when she’s not upset, no one can truly tell how she feels about them through the easygoing attitude mask.

。・°°・Backstory! ・°°・。

Both of the twins were born to parents who simply had a fling and had them as an accidental result. Because of this, they never really knew them, as they darted off and left them to the hands of their mother’s parents. Not wanting to get rid of the children of course and desiring them to be the best they can be, they took them under their wing despite being old. They took good care of them when they were younger up until they left on their own for college. It was obvious, however, that they much preferred Xia over Jia. Most likely because the fact that she didn’t rebel as often and wasn’t so quick to rebuke anything that was asked of her. Instead, Clarissa was selfless and very thoughtful about anything she did. As a result, Claudia grew up mainly independent and standoffish, as if an observer compared to the group, whether it be classmates or her own family. She learned to block out the emotions and instead face everything with a carefree attitude. Why have someone build you up just to have them ignore you or knock you down? Practical attitude in her mind, pessimistic to others. The few people she does hang around with are people she trusts, but she has never been vulnerable before in front of everyone, only letting our emotions behind closed doors.
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2 | Nov 6th 2020 15:19