oc (updated 7/27/22)

One Piece OC


NAME (surname/first name): Maestro Quinn (/ˈmīstrō kwin/)
NICKNAME: Mae (/m-ay/)
AGE: 21 (23 post time skip)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
CURRENT BOUNTY (non-government issued): 765,000

HAIR COLOR: Light-ish Pink
-His knees are usually scraped up, and when they aren't there are scars from the scrapes.
-There's a thin scar from his hip to lower thigh due to a sword.
-A burn mark on his back due to an incident involving the Marines.


He likes people.
He’s an alright socializer, he really does try his best!
A big softie.
A good listener! He knows when he should talk and when he shouldn’t.
Despite the situation, he will stand his ground if it's on a matter he's passionate about.

He's a helpless romantic; but he won’t let it be all who he is.
He'll try to be funny, but it's a hit or miss. It’s usually just self-deprecating.
Stubborn in a good and bad way.
It's really easy to get him comfortable around new people, but it's just as easy to ruin the progress.

He gets attached really easily, however tries to keep people at arms length so he doesn't get too attached.
Thinks everyone is gonna leave him and the idea of love kind of freaks him out.
He scares really easily.
Tends to bottle things up if not confronted, and even then he won’t tell unless you push.



His primary source of work is as a thief. Since most of his time was spent hopping from location to location he's just managed to pick it up. He's not a great pickpocket, but he's a really good locksmith! He doesn't typically target people of a lower living and prefers to strike the upper class. Go big or go home!


He goes one of two ways; either he keeps his occupation as a thief and develops a bit more into an informant for the crew, or he becomes a chore boy. There is an off chance he'd be an entertainer as well, preferably an impressionist.


-He's an impressionist! But he's a very well trained one and can mock anyone he's heard speak.
-Can control the pitch of his voice that he can really sound however he wants whenever he wants.
-His throat will strain if he does it consistently (needs a two minute water break at least) for too long though. Half an hour is his limit.
-He's not great at hand-to-hand combat, but he's just fine with smaller weapons! Knives, daggers, handguns, etc.
-He's fairly athletic and able to run for a long time at a fast pace. He is clumsy though so he's quite capable of falling.
-He can mask his presence from observation haki users, but this is super limited. He lacks the ability to focus for a long time so his record is ten minutes at most.
-He's a convincing liar. If you can't read him like an open book he will talk circles around you until you believe him.


Shiny objects
Summer islands
Gift giving

Most fruit

Winter islands

Cruise ships
Buttons (person)
Being babied

His mom
The Marines


(Backstory is subjected to change depending on the rp, but this is the base idea for everything)

Quinn was born in the west blue, though he definitely wasn't raised there. Shortly after his birth his mom moved to the Grandline and that's where he grew up.

During this time, his mom quit her bounty hunting job and instead decided to run a cruise ship. It was safe, generally fun, she was positive it was the safest option that allowed her to keep sailing.

He grew up in a protective environment after that, his mom was big on keeping him safe at all costs because she knew first hand how dangerous the world could be.

Ultimately she decided he would be safer on the ship at all times. Up until the age of seven he did nothing but sail, he wasn't allowed off the ship no matter what island they were on.

That was until the ship was raided by pirates. Then her worldview flipped and she decided he would be safer on land. She had friends in the Marines, so she handed him off to a marine base she regulated during her hunting days. She would sail off again with her cruise ship, and when she made a full voyage she would return to visit him.

Quinn was very excited to be on land once his body got used to not rocking all the time. Being in a marine base also got him introduced to more and more types of sailors. From merchants to pirates. He was infatuated and listened to stories. He would sneak to holding stalls just to hear about different adventures from pirates.

Growing up this way gave him more exposure to the world than his mom wanted, so whenever she visited she reminded him why he was there with horror stories of the world. She also actively denied letting him go with her again.

After an argument with her, he was found by a nice lady who taught him about impressions to cheer him up. He found the whole thing interesting and started working with her to learn!

At thirteen he had enough of his mom's constant degrading of the world and his dream to set out. So, he took matters into his own hands and snuck to the holding cells. It took a bit of negotiating, but eventually he freed the pirates that were stuck and led them to the ships, helping locate theirs and then hitching a ride.

They ended up being very sweet despite their title of pirates and allowed him to stay with them as their chore boy. He didn't mind, frankly he was amazed by everything and couldn't care less what his job was.

After only two months on board, however, they were attacked and apprehended by the Marines. The same ones from the base he had been stuck in for years. They thought he had been kidnapped and despite his pleading he was stuck watching the demise of the ship as he was escorted away by a naval captain.

They took him back to the island and once there he was met with his mom. She gave him a scolding, he disagreed with her accusations towards pirates and the world as a whole.

In doing so, she threatened if he ever snuck off again, she would make sure that was the last time he would go anywhere.

With that being said, he snuck off on a trade ship that same night. He snuck by security and his mom's crew right into the cargo hold. He stayed there until they reached a new island where he proceeded to run off and begin his trend of island hopping.

No ship kept him long and he didn't really mind. He was afraid of getting attached and being left behind anyway. This extended to people because he was afraid of getting along with them in case they'd ever get hurt because of him.

After a year of this, his mom pushed out a bounty for his return. Though, due to the lack of a bounty photo no one took it too seriously. It was treated more like a missing person's case that his mom bribed the papers into releasing. He didn't buy the paper that day, but he did start going by Mae instead of Quinn to avoid people figuring him out.

By the time he turned sixteen he had experienced a good portion of life that he hadn't before and that he didn't know he could experience. He grew more as a person and loosened up as he felt more free and hopeful for his future. He dealt with hundreds of people both good and bad and he never lost anyone he wanted to keep around. He got pretty good at stealing as well.

To top things off, he boarded a pirate crew who was just as friendly as the first crew he joined.

He stayed on the ship for nearly a year. Though the crew never considered him part of it, they were seemingly fond of him and treating him like a little brother.

The captain was a young woman who he absolutely adored, he was entirely enthralled with her. It was one-sided, but he didn't mind admiring her. She treated him like a good friend and frequently told him she liked his hair and how pretty it would be grown out. It was already growing out, but he decided not to cut it if it kept her admiration. He thought he had found a crew to finally dedicate himself to.

So, when he was nearing the end of the year aboard and the ship was raided it set him back a couple of notches.

Firstly, he recognized the Marine captain. He was the captain of the base his mom kept him in and Mae wasn't fond of him. Secondly, his mom was there, but she wasn't doing anything. Just… watching.

Thirdly, despite the crew being attacked, his captain wasn't. She was instead very intent on trying to get Mae onto the Marine ship. He refused, of course, and he felt betrayed beyond no end. They ended up fighting with one thing leading to another until his captain pushed him into a fire, causing him to get a burn on his back.

His mom retrieved him at that point and paid the captain in full for him.

Mae felt stupid by the end of it and he developed a mindset that stayed no one truly had his best interest in mind. It made him reluctant to trust and very hesitant to join people.

His mom stuck him back on the cruise ship. She didn't want him out of sight anymore so he was back to square one. In the midst of this, she gave him her spiel on why she hated pirates and why she didn't trust the world.

She declared that she loved her family very much, and with him being her only blood family she'd do whatever it took to keep him safe. It didn't matter where he was or how much he grew, she wouldn't see him as more than her child; someone for her to coddle and protect.

She allowed him to get burned as a reminder that no one would be there for him, no one in the world was capable of keeping him safe.

He stuck with his mom until his back recovered enough that it wouldn't matter and he ran off again.

She kept up with her persistence until he turned eighteen. She was still a constant threat in his mind, but with him growing and becoming better at avoiding her he saw her less and less.

Recovering gave him time to collect his thoughts and he is more willing to let people in, but it's very easy for him to regress and completely shut people out again. His mom still lingers as a threatz but as long as he keeps moving and has the reassurance he's safe (which he needs regardless of the crew) then he'll be fine.
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1 | Oct 30th 2020 01:42